Green Concepts
Everything from the Motel was recycled
LEED Parking lot with gravel and runoff in a bio retention basin
LEED Reinforcing bars 95% recycled steel
LEED Metal sidings from recycled steel scraps like cars and cans
LEED Recycled pickle barrels for collecting rain water
LEED Cisterns for gray water, after filtering for washing and laundering
Wood comes from forests certified by the Forest Stuart Council: encourage Forest regeneration
LEED Cork and Bamboo Floors, both are renewable, Cork is a bark that regenerates every 7 to 9 years Bamboo 3 – 5 years. Roots are left in ground
LEED Paints that don’t give off harmful vapors
LEED Composting Toilets
LEED Siting and Footprint through computer modeling. Long and narrow footprint
LEED Large South Facing Windows
LEED Day Lighting
LEED Occupancy Sensors
LEED Natural Ventilation
Building Management System
LEED Solar panels for hot water heating
LEED SIPs: Structurally Insulated Panels, R30 for the roof, R23.5 walls
LEED OSB (oriented strand board) 100% recycled wood fiber
LEED OSB lighter cheaper and twice the R value of a conventional wall
LEED Commuting, Showers available
LEED Hybrid car for off site meetings
Green Roofs
Building Performance Institute