1 CATHY JONES Secondary Math Instruction Specialist Center for Mathematics and Science Education Arkansas NASA Education Resource Center 346 N. West Avenue, Room 202 Fayetteville, Arkansas (479) (479) (FAX) Web: cmase.uark.edu Wiki: cmasemath.pbworks.com For more K-8 lessons on the Rain Forest go to:
2 Domain: Geometry Grades K - 3 Identify the shape as a rectangle Fold on dotted line Identify 2 equal rectangles as two halves (½) Both halves are the same, sometimes called symmetrical With shape folded, cut on bold black line Open & Identify each side as ½ of the new shape Cut in and out on the other lines. Is each side still ½ of the remaining shape?
3 Although not the focus of the lesson, you can introduce the word “symmetry”-the two identical sides. Tape a green pipe cleaner on the fold, as the stem of the leaf. Make a Palm Tree by taping three or four these leaves to a paper towel cylinder or rolled piece of brown card stock paper. Rain Forest Palm Tree Partitioning Lesson Copy the template on green paper where it can be folded on the dotted line. Cut around the pattern on the solid lines…DO NOT cut on the dotted line. Unfold the paper to see the finished palm leaf. Discuss the halves of the two identical sides.
4 Print this page on green paper for students.