Balancing a trip matrix
sumAiOi 21361, , ,
sumAiOi 21361, , , Initial guess
sumAiOi 21361, , , Column sum Row sum
sumAiOi 21361, , , Desired Column sum Dj Desired Row sum Oi Doubly constrained model
sumAiOi 21361, , , Balancing factor
sumAiOi 21361, , , Balancing factor 11/6=1.8333
sumAiOi 21361, , , Balancing factor 11/6= We need to multiply first row with
iteration 1Oi 3, , ,511 4,531,599 3, , , ,309529, , , , , Applying balancing factor Ai on initial guess, we get a new trip matrix in the first iteration Exactly balanced Row sum
iteration 1Oi 3, , ,511 4,531,599 3, , , ,309529, , , , , Applying balancing factor Ai on initial guess, we get a new trip matrix in the first iteration Exactly balanced Row sum Column sum still off
iteration 1Oi 3, , ,511 4,531,599 3, , , ,309529, , , , , Applying balancing factor Ai on initial guess, we get a new trip matrix in the first iteration Exactly balanced Row sum Balancing factor Bj
iteration 1Oi 3, , ,511 4,531,599 3, , , ,309529, , , , , Applying balancing factor Ai on initial guess, we get a new trip matrix in the first iteration Exactly balanced Row sum Balancing factor Bj 13/11.309=1.149
iteration 2 sumAiOi 4, ,728184, ,82321, , ,827931, , , , ,443892, ,845251, Column sum exactly balanced
iteration 2 sumAiOi 4, ,728184, ,82321, , ,827931, , , , ,443892, ,845251, Column sum exactly balanced But now Row sum off!
iteration 2 sumAiOi 4, ,728184, ,82321, , ,827931, , , , ,443892, ,845251, But now Row sum off! New balancing factors for the rows