Authoritarian Firm limits and controls No interruptions Less opportunity to practice communication skills Vigorous discipline Expects obedience Minimal praise and encouragement
Authoritative Limits and controls, but simultaneously encourages independence Explains reasons behind the rules and decisions Polite, but firm discipline Open to considerable verbal interaction Student knows they can interrupt the teacher if they have a relevant question or comment Environment that supports practicing communication skills
Laissez-faire Few demands and controls “Do your own thing” type of classroom Teacher accepts the student’s impulses and actions Strives to not hurt the student’s feelings Difficulty saying NO, or enforcing rules Very involved with the students, and cares for them Minimal boundaries between professional and personal life Students don’t learn socially acceptable behavior
Indifferent Not very involved in the classroom Few demands on students Generally appears uninterested Don’t want to impose on students Feels class preparation is not worth the effort May use same materials for several years Lacks skills, confidence, or courage to discipline students Students sense and reflect the teacher’s attitude
Formal Authority Tend to focus on Content Teacher -centered Teacher feels responsible for providing and controlling flow of content Not concerned with building relationships Minimal student participation
Demonstrator Teacher –centered class Emphasis on demonstration and modeling Acts as role model Demonstrates skills and coaches/guides in helping students develop and apply these skills “It is important that my students can independently solve similar problems by using and adapting demonstrated methods” Encourages student participation
Facilitator Focus on activities Student- centered learning More responsibility placed on the students to take the initiative for meeting the demands of the tasks Works best for students who are comfortable with independent learning and who can actively participate and collaborate with other students Group activities that necessitate active learning, student-to-student collaboration, problem solving
Delegator Place much control and responsibility for learning on individuals or groups of students Give students choice to design their own learning projects Act in a consultative role Activities that necessitate active learning, collaboration, problem solving
What is your teaching style… "I am the flashlight for my students; I illuminate the content and materials so that my students can see the importance of the material and appreciate the discipline."