Sequencing Shuffle the cards and place in a pile with the numbers facing down. Order the cards from 0 to 11. How fast can you do this? Time yourself. Who can do it the fastest?! Rolling Addition Shuffle the cards and place in a pile with the numbers facing down. Place one card face up. Next to the card place another card face up. Add the two numbers together. Keep adding to the second pile and continue adding the numbers together. What is your total? Multiplication Shuffle the cards and place in a pile with the numbers facing down. Write a number on a piece of paper. Place one card face up next to the number. Multiply the two numbers together. Keep doing this until you have gone through the whole pile. Change the number on the paper and start again. Subtraction 1 Shuffle the cards and place in a pile with the numbers facing down. Write a 2, 3 or 4 digit number on a piece of paper. Place one card face up next to the number. Subtract that number from the number on the paper. Keep doing this until you have gone through the whole pile. Change the number on the paper and start again. 2 Digit Multiplication Spread the cards out (numbers not showing). Create two 2 digit numbers and multiply them in your head to find the product. You can extend this by making and multiplying larger numbers. Division Shuffle the cards and place in a pile with the numbers facing down. Select cards to create a number with 2 or more digits. Turn over another card and divide the original multi-digit number by the number on your card. How many times will it go into your original number? Is there a remainder? 2 Digit Addition Spread the cards out (numbers not showing). Create two 2 digit numbers and add them in your head to find the sum. You can extend this by making and adding together larger numbers. Target Number Choose a 3 digit number to be your target number. Take 4 number cards and using the 4 operations try and make your number as close to the target number as possible. e.g Target number 100 My 4 numbers 2,3,7, = =101 27x3+8=89 4 Digit Numbers Spread the cards out (numbers showing). Create a 4 digit numbers using the following criteria: Smaller than 10,000, or Between 5,000 and 7,000, or Larger than 999, etc. Make up your own criteria to follow. What’s my number? Spread the cards out (numbers showing). Player 1 creates a number using the cards without showing the player 2. Using the clues of the remaining numbers and asking questions, player 2 guesses what the hidden number is. You can extend this activity by removing the remaining cards from view and limiting the number of questions. Doubles Shuffle the cards and place in a pile with the numbers facing down. Turn the top card over and double the number. Continue to double the total. How many times can you double the original number? Turn the next card over and repeat. Go through the whole pack of number cards. Can you keep a running total? Subtraction 2 Shuffle the cards and place in a pile with the numbers facing down. Take the top 2 cards to create a 2 digit number. Subtract: 10, or 9, or 7, etc. You can extend by using 3 or 4 (or more) digit numbers.