The FAIR Project Walter F.J. Müller, GSI, Darmstadt CBM Technical Coordinator FAIR Joint Core Team 2 nd CBM India Meeting, VECC, Kolkata, July 2007 A Status Update
30 July 2007Slides Fair Joint Core Team, July Technical Realization of FAIR 100 m UNILAC SIS 18 SIS 100/300 HESR Super FRS NESR CR RESR FLAIR Accelerator Components & Key Characteristics Ring/Device Beam Energy Intensity SIS100 (100Tm) protons 30 GeV 4x U 1 GeV/u 5x10 11 (intensity factor 100 over present) SIS300 (300Tm) 40 Ar 45 GeV/u 2x U 34 GeV/u 2x10 10 CR/RESR/NESR ion and antiproton storage and experiment rings HESR antiprotons 14 GeV ~10 11 Super-FRS rare-isotope beams 1 GeV/u <10 9 Radioactive Ion Production Target Anti-Proton Production Target Existing facility: provides ion-beam source and injector for FAIR Existing facility: provides ion-beam source and injector for FAIR New future facility: provides ion and anti-matter beams of highest-intensity and up to high energies New future facility: provides ion and anti-matter beams of highest-intensity and up to high energies
30 July 2007Slides Fair Joint Core Team, July Unprecedented System Parameters at FAIR (a multi-purpose facility) Beam Intensity: - primary heavy-ion beam intensity increases by x 100 – x secondary beam intensity increases by up to x Beam Energy: - heavy-ion energy : x 30 Beam Variety: - antiprotons - protons to uranium & radioactive ion beams Beam Precision: - cooled antiproton beams - intense cooled radioactive ion beams Beam Pulse structure: - optimized for experiments: from dc to 50 ns Parallel Operation: - full accelerator performance for up to four different and independent experiments and experimental programs
30 July 2007Slides Fair Joint Core Team, July Reference: FAIR Baseline Technical Report Handed to ISC in April 2006 accepted as „The Project“
30 July 2007Slides Fair Joint Core Team, July The International Committee Structure PAC QCD PAC NUSTAR PAC APPA TAC Observers: FCI Full Cost Issues AFI Working Group Administrative + Funding Issues LFI Legal Framework Issus STI Working Group Scientific + Technical Issues ISC International Steering Committee Delegates from partner states CORE Cost Review Groups Reviews Cryogenics Warm magnets Cold magnets Power Supplies Beam Instrumentation p-Linac Austria China Finland France Germany Greece India Italy Poland Spain Sweden Russia Great Britain Romania Baseline Technical Report - accelerator TR's - experiment proposals - civil construction plans (~ 3500 pages) PAC & TAC Review Reports Cost Book Cost Review Reports - accelerator & civil construction (CORE-A) - experiments (CORE-E) Convention Articles of Association By-Laws Final Act Document Legal Framework Report (LFI) Full Cost Structure Report (FCI) FAIR Project All documents are ready
30 July 2007Slides Fair Joint Core Team, July Project Costs Accelerator investment costs 533 M€ Civil construction costs 289 M€ Baseline experimental facilities ( incl Super-FRS) 180 M€ Investment budget 1002 M€ Manpower (2400 person-years) 185 M€ Total Construction Costs 1187 M€ Costs evaluated by CORE-A/E, TAC, STI and 7 mini-TACs, documented in Costbook ISC took note of costs Commissioning Costs 28 M€ Operation Costs up to M€ Sum 2700 M€ Germany committed part of funding 25% of funds have to come from non-German partners As of today: commitment by India (3%) and Romania (1%) AND positive bilateral negotiations
30 July 2007Slides Fair Joint Core Team, July ISC FAIR – Roadmap: Establishment of FAIR GmbH as Project Owner Contracting Parties Share- holders Bylaw Subgroup AFI ISC STI IKAB Joint Core- Team 07/ / Nomination of Shareholders + Completion of negotiations Completion of draft Bylaws Signature of Convention and Final Act Signature AoA STI AFI joint meeting ISC/SH ISC Bylaws, draft FAIR GmbH structure and kick-off staffing Convention, Final Act, AoA; Joint Core Team Technical evaluation of potential in-kind contributions (ongoing process up to the formation of FAIR GmbH) Mandate for IKAB Monitoring of technical planning and project costs (ongoing process up to the formation of FAIR GmbH) Elaboration of the Bylaws (ongoing) Convention Final Act AoA First meeting: start senior staffing Constitutive Meeting of the Council Convention, Final Act, AoA; draft Bylaws Bylaws, draft FAIR structure Technical project decisions (follow up design changes) / FAIR preparation tasks (ongoing process up to the formation of FAIR GmbH) Formation FAIR GmbH Negotiations (ongoing, 'till end of 2006) meetings.. Roadmap is behind schedule by 9 month..
30 July 2007Slides Fair Joint Core Team, July Master Schedule - Accelerators Assumed project start in late 2006, first experiments in 2012, staged commissioning of machines up to Schedule needs revision - Civil construction is the critical path.
First Trees Cut Down for FAIR For soil analysis: 50 locations prepared for deep hole drilling March 2007
30 July 2007Slides Fair Joint Core Team, July FAIR Work Packages 94 WPs defined, following WBS, FBTR and Cost Book schematics 13 subprojects 15 technical systems interest to take WP indicated No final decision up to now – awaiting expressions of interest of intern. partners Finally contracts between partner and FAIR GmbH Invitation to all partner state accelerator labs to participate in workshop on detailing realization of commitments (Oct. 1, 2007)
“New” FAIR-Topology Optimized and checked optics - 3D - all interfaces matched - latest Super FRS layout - latest HESR layout - option for HESR upgrade - p-transfer line to NESR - option for p-bar transfer line to ER
30 July 2007Slides Fair Joint Core Team, July Preparatory Phase R&D by GSI & Partner Institutes since 2001 IHEP Protvino SIS300 magnets Variable Frequency Cavities BINP Novosibirsk SIS100 rapidly cycling sc magnets CEA / CNRS NESR Electron Cooling
30 July 2007Slides Fair Joint Core Team, July kV septum power converter Charge state separator Projects funded by the European Community under the “Structuring the European Research Area” Specific Programme Research Infrastructures action SIS h=2 cavity R&D at GSI funded by EU
30 July 2007Slides Fair Joint Core Team, July Die ready for stamping of laminations 3D animation of CR dipole Cryostat for sc coil Institute of Modern Physics, CAS (IMP Lanzhou) Institute of Plasma Physics, CAS (IPP, Hefei) Institute of Electric Engineering, CAS (IEE, Beijing) FAIR CHINA R&D Activities on large aperture magnets for FAIR CR / Super FRS machines
30 July 2007Slides Fair Joint Core Team, July Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata R&D Collaboration Partners cont‘d Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Technológicas Madrid, Spain Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology Indore, India Bhaba Atomic Reaearch Centre Mumbai, India Studies on NESR magnets, vacuum system, power converters Plans to build Super-FRS energy buncher and high power beam dumps List not complete !!
30 July 2007Slides Fair Joint Core Team, July HESR Consortium FZ Jülich, TSL Sweden TSL Pelletron Electron energy MeV 30 m cooling length 14 m Work on planning and design of HESR performed by the consortium
30 July 2007Slides Fair Joint Core Team, July Straight mark I full scale dipole magnet under fabrication at BNG / Würzburg Curved mark I full scale dipole magnet under fabrication at BINP / Novosibirsk R&D continued at JINP / Dubna incl. Quadrupole prototype MoU on prototype R&D SIS300 bending magnet Progress in SIS Magnet R&D GSI001, first 4 T prototype by BNL 6 T protoype under construction at Dubna Curved 4.5 T dipole magnet under fabrication at INFN
30 July 2007Slides Fair Joint Core Team, July Recent decision by German Minister Ms. Schavan: Start of the International FAIR Project on November 7, 2007 together with all partners that have expressed their commitment on FAIR.
30 July 2007Slides Fair Joint Core Team, July Where do we stand? International negotiations Austria joined FAIR a few weeks ago Germany: funding in the Federal Budget (i.e. 75% of construction) Official declaration only from India (3%), Romania (1%) (Poland soon) Many informal statements Planning for Civil Engineering is progressing CE constraining factor To really start final approval process, funding must be there Buildings must be finished before stuff can be put in Negotiations should/must be completed by late autumn 2007
30 July 2007 CBM India Meeting -- Walter F.J. Müller, GSI 20 Future Dates July 31 st, STI FAIR at GSI September 12th, ISC meeting at GSI, status of Declarations September 17 th /18 th, Helmholtz Rosatom FAIR Russia Research Center (FRRC) October 1 st /2 nd,Accelerator Laboratories Directors meeting at GSI Finalizing ‘the Project FAIR’ Definition of reduced "Start version" in case less than 25% foreign contribution are declared November 7 th, FAIR Project Start ceremony
30 July 2007Slides Fair Joint Core Team, July Conclusions Preparatory phase progresses nicely Experiments are up to speed (few exceptions) Accelerator layout is consolidating Coherent effort of all the participants/countries Negotiations are slower that we hoped...
30 July 2007Slides Fair Joint Core Team, July We will be here
30 July 2007 CBM India Meeting -- Walter F.J. Müller, GSI 23 The End Thanks for your attention
30 July 2007 CBM India Meeting -- Walter F.J. Müller, GSI 24 Backup slides
30 July 2007Slides Fair Joint Core Team, July SIS100/300 Design Parameters First Stage: Second Stage: Acceleration + Acceleration + Compression Stretching Reference IonsU 28+ p U 28+ U 92+ Magnet. rigidity100 Tm300 Tm Circumference1083 m Number of Particles5 · · · /s 1 · /s Energy2.7 GeV/u 29 GeV 2.7 GeV/u 34 GeV/u Beam time structure25 – 90ns 50 ns d.c. slow ext. Dipole flux density2 T4.5 T Ramp Rate4 T/s1 T/s SIS300SIS100 SIS300SIS100
30 July FAIR Joint Core Team or more simply The Project Team External Committees: PACs, TACs, IKAB International Steering Committee Team Leader Hans H. Gutbrod Research N.N. A. LambertB. Becker-de MosB. Azzara B. Galander (HESR) R. Hellmich W. Jacoby M. Lautenschläger A. Lehrach (HESR) D. Prasuhn (HESR) S. Richter P. Spiller M. Steck AFI STI NUSTARCBM C. DomingoS. Belogurov H. PentilläD. Cozma (1/2) W. KortenD. Dutta (1/2) C. Mihai (1/2)R. Karabowicz T. Sava (1/2)A.KumarDubey(1/2) PANDAW. Müller G. BocaM. Petris (1/2) L. Schmitt S. Tomassini APPA T. Stöhlker M. Czarnota A. Hirtl B. O'Rourke Accelerator Dieter Krämer Finance & Admin Alexander Kurz Integration N.N. FAIR project management team I. Augustin T. Beier H. Bokemeyer J. Eschke M. Hinkelmann S. Hofmann Z. Maika F. Weißbach 22 FTE GSI 2 FTE FZJ 15 FTE international JCT members FAIR EU FP7 preparatory phase application: Financing of 39 FTE JCT/FAIR GmbH personnel plus overheads for 2 years
Since FAIR Baseline Technical Report: Improved Planning of FAIR-Layout Machine lattices have been re-optimized and are fixed now HEBTs have been re-calculated Optics was discussed and checked with external experts HESR further optimized (driven by FZ Jülich & TSL)
Activities on Synchrotron Items HEBT p-bar separator – CR optimize for highest output, i.e. minimize losses due to chromatic aberrations Synchrotron SIS 100- straight and curved mark I full scale magnet under production at BNG Würzburg and BINP Novosibirsk, delivery in 2007 Synchrotron SIS 300- Detailing of straight sections for transfer, injection and extraction; curved mark I full scale (short) dipole under production at INFN Genua Actual Activities on Storage Ring Items RESR focusing structure Simplify lattice for optimized stochastic cooling at fixed geometry (also investigated as alternative to safe costs) Stochastic Cooling - Hardware procurement for test-stand Machine Experiments at ESR - Successful barrier bucket accumulation tests.
Magnet Prototyping: (FAIR MT Group) ∙ SIS100 prototypes Curved full scale MARK I dipole magnet under fabrication at BINP (coil subcontracted to Dubna company) PDR on Straight full scale magnet under fabrication at BNG PDR Delivery scheduled for late this year followed by intense qualifications JINP working on MARK I quadrupole ∙ SIS300 dipole prototypes ∙ IHEP Protvino: tooling ready, coil-end design ready, tests at CERN ∙ INFN: curved dipole, PDR very promising, safe 1K margin and good field tolerances at 4.5 T ∙ CR/Super FRS superferric dipole prototypes FAIR China Group: die available, laminations punched, model coil under fabrication, cryostat design under preparation Quadrupole: contract for proto-type placed at Toshiba
30 July 2007 CBM India Meeting -- Walter F.J. Müller, GSI 30 Text text