Chapter 13 Section 1 Review The Rise of African Civilizations.
What did you learn? 1. What items were traded in the Kingdoms of West Africa? The Items were Salt and Cloth from North Africa/ Sahara were traded for Gold & Ivory from West Africa.
Critical Thinking 2. Organizing Information Draw a chart, for each region, write names of the kingdoms and or the city-states that developed
Crititcal Thinking West Africa African Rainforests East Africa GhanaBeninSeba MaliKongoAxum SonghaiKush
Analyze 3. What city- states grew as trading ports in East Africa, and why were they successful? The City-States are Mogadishu, Mombasa, Zanzibar, Kilwa, Great Zimbabwe. They were successful as a part of the Indian Ocean Trading Network.
Compare & Contrast Question 4. Which African Kingdoms developed away from the coast? How did their economies compare to other African Kingdoms? Answer Ghana, Songhai, Benin, Kongo, Kush, Great Zimbabwe; their economies based on control of land trade routes, food surpluses, and goods from the interior of Africa.