André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Default Road Load Handed over from phase 1a: calculation method for default road load parameters may be used the parameters can be reviewed (based on future data) . Situation: At IWG#7 the RDW (André Rijnders) took initiative to develop an alternative methodology for the default RL parameters At IWG#8 (Pune) an initial proposal (hybrid methodology) was presented and discussed At IWG#9 the ACEA Task Force LCV offered to develop the methodology jointly with RDW/TNO At IWG#10 a new initial proposal was presented At IWG #11 Concept of road load matrix family was accepted. Further work in TF. André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV
André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Default Road Load Method for the calculation of road load based on vehicle parameters Road Load Matrix Family (new GTR proposal from TF) Default Road Load (in GTR, no change) André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Work in the TF TF Leaders: André Rijnders (RDW/ NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann (ACEA, replaced Wouter Vandermeulen) TF Members: Rob Cuelenaere (TNO), Iddo Riemersma (T&E), Matthias Hülswitt (DAI), Stefan Klimek (DAI), Claudia Walawski (DAI) Meetings Tele web meetings in July and Augusts The WLTP annex 4 meeting on the 27th of August André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Actual Situation WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Work in TF Discussion on the remarks from T&E on the safety margin downwards during 11th WLTP IWG; proposal x-factor 0,8. ACEA confirmed downward x-factor 0,8 Adopted x-factors: downward 0,8 and upward 0,95 (no further discussion needed in IWG) Clarification on Road Load Matrix Family (RLMF) / steps in the process GTR Drafting for RLMF Proposal send to Annex 4 TF for comments Proposal send to 12th WLTP IWG (WLTP-12-07 rev1) André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Actual Situation WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Complexity in the large van segment Step I Step II input Chassis dyno testing: Emissions and CO2 + Road Load Matrix values for vehicle H and vehicle L Cycle energy is given by Road Load Matrix Family calculations. The Vehicle L and H setting cycle energy based vehicle parameters of mass, average RR and frontal area and not on dedicated rolling resistance and aerodynamics measurements. The interpolation method for CO2 emissions and the fuel consumption for individual vehicle can be used. Interpolation family applicable. Coast down representative vehicle Road Load Matrix Family Coast down representative vehicle Extrapolation calculation method for other vehicle parameters (family) with safety margin: Frontal area Rolling resistance Mass André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Process Chart WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Representative Vehicle Coast Down RL= f0r, f1r, f2r 1 RL= f0r, f1r, f2r Least Squares regression analyses f0r, f2r 2 𝑓0r=𝑓0r+3∗𝑓1r∗ 𝑣𝑚𝑎𝑥 16 𝑓1r=0.0 𝑠𝑒𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑧𝑒𝑟𝑜 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑡 𝑓2r=𝑓2r+ 15∗𝑓1r 16∗𝑣𝑚𝑎𝑥 f0r, f2r; TM, Af, RR; TMr, Afr, RRr Road Load Extrapolation f0ind, f2ind; f0L, f2L; f0H, f2H 3 Step I 𝑓0 = 𝑀𝑎𝑥((0.05 𝑥 𝑓0𝑟 + 0.95 𝑥 (𝑓0𝑟 𝑥 𝑇𝑀/𝑇𝑀𝑟 + (𝑅𝑅 – 𝑅𝑅𝑟) 𝑥 9.81 𝑥 𝑇𝑀)); (0.2 𝑥 𝑓0𝑟 + 0.8 𝑥 (𝑓0𝑟 𝑥 𝑇𝑀/𝑇𝑀𝑟 + (𝑅𝑅 – 𝑅𝑅𝑟) 𝑥 9.81 𝑥 𝑇𝑀))) 𝑓2 = 𝑀𝑎𝑥((0.05 𝑥 𝑓2𝑟 + 0.95 𝑥 𝑓2𝑟 𝑥 𝐴𝑓 / 𝐴𝑓𝑟); (0.2 𝑥 𝑓2𝑟 + 0.8 𝑥 𝑓2𝑟 𝑥 𝐴𝑓 / 𝐴𝑓𝑟)) f0ind, f2ind; f0L, f2L; f0H, f2H Calculation Cycle Energy (CE) E1, E2, E3 4 GTR Annex7: 5.Calculation of cycle energy demand f0L, f2L; f0H, f2H Measurement CO₂ MCO₂,H, MCO₂,L 5 Step II GTR Annex6: Standard CO2-GTR-Measurement procedure E1,p ,E2,p, E3,p MCO₂-H,p, MCO₂-L,p CO₂ Interpolation (based on CE) MCO₂-ind 6 𝑀𝐶𝑂₂−𝑖𝑛𝑑= 𝑝 𝑀𝐶𝑂₂−𝑖𝑛𝑑,𝑝 ∗𝑑𝑐,𝑝 𝑝 𝑑𝑐,𝑝 𝑀 𝐶𝑂 2 −𝑖𝑛𝑑, 𝑝 = 𝑀 𝐶𝑂 2 −𝐿,𝑝 + 𝐸 3,𝑝 − 𝐸 1, 𝑝 𝐸 2,𝑝 − 𝐸 1,𝑝 × 𝑀 𝐶𝑂 2 −𝐻,𝑝 − 𝑀 𝐶𝑂 2 −𝐿,𝑝 André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Example WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Step I Step II André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Example WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Step I Step II 1. Coast down of representative vehicle F0r, F1r, F2r 3 meter André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Example WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Step I Step II 1. Coast down of representative vehicle F0r, F1r, F2r 2. Road load extrapolation (RLMF) of vehicles L and H F0L, F2L, F0H, F2H (incl. safety margins) André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Example WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Step I Step II Road load with safety margin Road load with safety margin Real road load Real road load 1. Coast down of representative vehicle F0r, F1r, F2r 2. Road load extrapolation (RLMF) of vehicles L and H F0L, F2L, F0H, F2H (incl. safety margins) f0 = Max((0.05 x f0r + 0.95 x (f0r x TM/TMr + (RR – RRr) x 9.81 x TM)); (0.2 x f0r + 0.8 x (f0r x TM/TMr + (RR – RRr) x 9.81 x TM))) f2 = Max((0.05 x f2r + 0.95 x f2r x Af / Afr); (0.2 x f2r + 0.8 x f2r x Af / Afr)) Road load extrapolation formulas: André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Example WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Step I Step II 1. Coast down of representative vehicle F0r, F1r, F2r 3. CO2 measurement of vehicles L and H MCO2L, MCO2H (incl. safety margins Step I) 2. Road load extrapolation (RLMF) of vehicles L and H F0L, F2L, F0H, F2H (incl. safety margins) André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Example WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Step I Step II Real CO2 value Real CO2 value CO2 value with safety margin CO2 value with safety margin 1. Coast down of representative vehicle F0r, F1r, F2r 3. CO2 measurement of vehicles L and H MCO2L, MCO2H (incl. safety margins Step I) 2. Road load extrapolation (RLMF) of vehicles L and H F0L, F2L, F0H, F2H (incl. safety margins) André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Example WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Step I Step II 1. Coast down of representative vehicle F0r, F1r, F2r 3. CO2 measurement of vehicles L and H MCO2L, MCO2H (incl. safety margins Step I) 2. Road load extrapolation (RLMF) of vehicles L and H F0L, F2L, F0H, F2H (incl. safety margins) 4. Road load extrapolation (RLMF) of individual vehicle F0ind, F2ind (incl. safety margins) Vehicle parameters: Test mass, RR, Frontal area. André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Example WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Step I Step II Road load with safety margin Real road load 1. Coast down of representative vehicle F0r, F1r, F2r 3. CO2 measurement of vehicles L and H MCO2L, MCO2H (incl. safety margins Step I) 2. Road load extrapolation (RLMF) of vehicles L and H F0L, F2L, F0H, F2H (incl. safety margins) 4. Road load extrapolation (RLMF) of individual vehicle F0ind, F2ind (incl. safety margins) Road load extrapolation formulas: f0 = Max((0.05 x f0r + 0.95 x (f0r x TM/TMr + (RR – RRr) x 9.81 x TM)); (0.2 x f0r + 0.8 x (f0r x TM/TMr + (RR – RRr) x 9.81 x TM))) f2 = Max((0.05 x f2r + 0.95 x f2r x Af / Afr); (0.2 x f2r + 0.8 x f2r x Af / Afr)) André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Example WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Step I Step II 1. Coast down of representative vehicle F0r, F1r, F2r 3. CO2 measurement of vehicles L and H MCO2L, MCO2H (incl. safety margins Step I) 2. Road load extrapolation (RLMF) of vehicles L and H F0L, F2L, F0H, F2H (incl. safety margins) 5. CO2 interpolation for ind. vehicle between L and H MCO2ind (incl. safety margins Step I) 4. Road load extrapolation (RLMF) of individual vehicle F0ind, F2ind (incl. safety margins) CO2 interpolation formulas: M CO 2 −ind, p = M CO 2 −L,p + E ind,p − E L, p E H,p − E L,p × M CO 2 −H,p − M CO 2 −L,p André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV M CO 2 −ind = p M CO 2 −ind, p × d c, p p d c,p
OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Example WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Step I Step II Real CO2 value CO2 value with safety margin 1. Coast down of representative vehicle F0r, F1r, F2r 3. CO2 measurement of vehicles L and H MCO2L, MCO2H (incl. safety margins Step I) 2. Road load extrapolation (RLMF) of vehicles L and H F0L, F2L, F0H, F2H (incl. safety margins) 5. CO2 interpolation for ind. vehicle between L and H MCO2ind (incl. safety margins Step I) 4. Road load extrapolation (RLMF) of individual vehicle F0ind, F2ind (incl. safety margins) CO2 interpolation formulas: M CO 2 −ind, p = M CO 2 −L,p + E ind,p − E L, p E H,p − E L,p × M CO 2 −H,p − M CO 2 −L,p André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV M CO 2 −ind = p M CO 2 −ind, p × d c, p p d c,p
OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Example WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Step I Step II f0 = Max((0.05 x f0r + 0.95 x (f0r x TM/TMr + (RR – RRr) x 9.81 x TM)); (0.2 x f0r + 0.8 x (f0r x TM/TMr + (RR – RRr) x 9.81 x TM))) f2 = Max((0.05 x f2r + 0.95 x f2r x Af / Afr); (0.2 x f2r + 0.8 x f2r x Af / Afr)) M CO 2 −ind, p = M CO 2 −L,p + E ind,p − E L, p E H,p − E L,p × M CO 2 −H,p − M CO 2 −L,p M CO 2 −ind = p M CO 2 −ind, p × d c, p p d c,p CO2 = … g/km André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Output TF road load matrix family: Draft text for amendments to GTR draft (New) 5.8 Road load matrix family (general part) technically permissible maximum laden mass ≥ 3000 kg. same road load matrix family: (a) Transmission type (e.g. manual, automatic, CVT); (b) Number of powered axles; (annex 4) (New) Application of the road load matrix family Representative test vehicle Coast down test : F1 set to zero, coefficients f0 and f2 shall be recalculated with a least squares regression analyses. (same for on-board anemometry, torque measurement ) André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family (annex 4) 5. Method for the calculation of default road load based on vehicle parameters 5.1. (new) Calculation of road load for vehicles based on a representative vehicle of a road load matrix family (Calculation method for vehicle Lm and Hm (5.1.1) and individual vehicle (5.1.2) introduced) 5.2 Calculation of default road load based on vehicle parameters C. (annex 6) Type 1 test procedure 1.2.3. Test vehicle Correct reference to the calculation method of the RLMF restrictions of CO2 interpolation range not applicable (maximum of 30 g/km or 20 per cent of the CO2) , but the emission criteria of interpolation range are fully applicable André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family D. (annex 7) Calculations 3.2.4. (new) Fuel consumption and CO2 calculations for individual vehicles in a road load matrix Determination of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of vehicles LM and HM Road load calculation for an individual vehicle Mass of an individual vehicle Rolling resistance of an individual vehicle Frontal area of an individual vehicle André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Output TF road load matrix family: Draft text for amendments to GTR for SG Drafting Document: WLTP-12-07 rev1 André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Summary WLTP-12-24e OI #17: Road Load Matrix Family Thanks Task Force Road Load Matrix Family André Rijnders RDW (NL) and Ernst Peter Weidmann ACEA-LCV