Analyze Wellness, Disease Prevention and Recognition of Symptoms Common Core Standard 9.PCH.1.1 Recognize that individuals have some control over risks.


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Presentation transcript:

Analyze Wellness, Disease Prevention and Recognition of Symptoms Common Core Standard 9.PCH.1.1 Recognize that individuals have some control over risks for communicable and chronic diseases.

Think about it… What kind of diseases can a person get? What kind of diseases can a person get? How do they get them? How do they get them? What can I do to treat the diseases? What can I do to treat the diseases?

Types of Disease ACUTE DISEASE – A disease that goes away on it own (Examples - Colds, Flu Virus, PMS, Sleeplessness) (Examples - Colds, Flu Virus, PMS, Sleeplessness) CHRONIC DISEASE - CHRONIC DISEASE - A disease that requires medical supervision and is often a disease that has formed over a long period of time. (Examples - Heart disease, Obesity, Cancer)

Risk Factors for Chronic Disease Smoking Lack of Physical Activity Poor Nutrition Overweight Lack of Health Screenings

Sedentary = Not participating in physical activity Chronic Disease and Being Sedentary Physical problems associated with being sedentary: Obesity Cardiovascular disease Type 2 diabetes Certain types of cancer OsteoporosisOsteoarthritis Psychological problems Premature death

Reduce your risk of Chronic Disease Get 60 minutes a day of physical activity Get 60 minutes a day of physical activity Get 8-10 hours of sleep per night Get 8-10 hours of sleep per night Eat nutritionally balanced meals Eat nutritionally balanced meals Don’t consume more calories than you need. Don’t consume more calories than you need.

Managing Chronic Disease Medicines are used to treat chronic diseases. There are many types of medicines that maintain or restore health, and offer people with chronic diseases a higher level of wellness. Examples:  allergy medicines  body-regulating medicines  antidepressant and antipsychotic medicines  cancer treatment medicines

Fighting Pathogens Medicines can help your body fight the pathogens that cause disease. Antibiotics are a class of drug that destroy disease-causing microorganisms, called bacteria. Antibiotics such as penicillin work either by killing harmful bacteria in the body or by preventing bacteria from reproducing. Pathogens are micro-organisms that cause disease. They include a few types of bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and other organisms.

Preventing Disease through vaccines What is a vaccine? A weakened or dead pathogen that is injected into your body so that your immune system can build up antibodies to that pathogen. Common Vaccines: Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis B, Diphtheria, Polio, Pertussis, and Varicella (Chicken Pox) Common Vaccines: Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis B, Diphtheria, Polio, Pertussis, and Varicella (Chicken Pox)

Analyze Wellness, Disease Prevention and Recognition of Symptoms Sources Sources Sources plans/common-vaccinations.cfm plans/common-vaccinations.cfm plans/common-vaccinations.cfm plans/common-vaccinations.cfm