MIGRATION Reasons why and Types of immigrants
Cultural Diversity Immigration in North America 1)Canada -Cultural Mosaic/Tossed Salad -Immigrants keep their culture -Cultural distinctiveness 2)United States -Melting Pot -Immigrants take the beliefs/values of the dominant culture -Assimilation
Why do People Migrate? 1. Economic Reasons improve income, standard of living, job opportunities.
Why do People Migrate? 2. Social Reasons Education, health and lifestyle opportunities may improve.
Why do People Migrate? 3. Religious Reasons People of certain religious beliefs have moved as families or groups to escape persecution and to allow the continuation of their religious activities.
Why do People Migrate 4. Political Reasons Many wars, border disputes, racial and religious tensions create dangerous and unfavorable living conditions which force people to move.
Why do People Migrate 5. Family Reasons People are often attracted to move because of ties with their family, particularly when members of the family have migrated earlier.
Becoming an Immigrant When someone lands in Canada they become a landed immigrant In order to become an immigrant they must pass strict government rules.
Types of Immigrants 1. Independent Immigrants 2 types: a) Skilled Workers b) Business Immigrants The gov’t uses a point system to decide which immigrants should be allowed into Canada
The Point System Points are awarded based on education, skill, and experience If the CAN economy needs workers with particular skills, these workers receive more points Business immigrants must start/ buy/invest in a business that will supply jobs
2. Family Immigrants Set up to allow immigrants to reunite with family in Canada Eligible relations include spouse, dependent child, grandparents, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, grandchildren, mothers and fathers
3. Refugees Someone who fears persecution in his/her home country Most arise for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a social group