THE ROLE OF INVESMENT PLANNING AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT Pertemuan-10 Mata Kuliah: CSP311, Perencanaan Strategi Sistem Informasi Tahun Akademik:
Section 3: USING AN EA Let read Case Study, Scene 5: The Importance of a Methodology Pokok-pokok Diskusi : 10-2
1.Able to explain the concept of capital planning 2.Able to describe the four phases of the capital planning process 3.Able to restate how capital planning relates to EA 4.Able to express how project management relates to EA Pokok-pokok Diskusi : 10-3
Let see Key Term (pp.198) and (pp.206) Let see analogy (pp. 198) D i s k u s i : 10-4
Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) a.Identification of operational performance gaps in the enterprise b.Identification of new or upgraded EA components to close performance gaps c.Development of business cases that consider alternatives, alignment and value d.Development and management of an overall portfolio of investments in the EA e.Maximizing the value of individual investments in EA components f.Encouraging a culture of learning by evaluating each completed investment. D i s k u s i : 10-5
Governance and Capital Planning Let see fig. 10-1, and 10-2 D i s k u s i : 10-7
The Role of Project Management D i s k u s i : 10-9
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