Co-production is an approach to public service delivery within which professionals and citizens work together in equal and reciprocal relationships.
Co-production Training UK Ruth Dineen & Emma Falkner
Co-production – principles facilitation not delivery valuing participants building on their strengths developing peer-support networks equality and reciprocity
Transformative Co-production shared influence | shared responsibility creating meaningful, sustainable, change co-commissioning co-design co-delivery co-evaluation
Co-production in Wales 6 co-production events: health, communities, environment… WCVA Conference Wellbeing Wales Conference 2013 NLIAH symposia series 2013 Social Services bill – consultation responses Health & Social Care Committee evidence open letter to Welsh Government Scottish co-pro collaboration visit All in this Together Network | AitT Academic Network Co-production Practitioners’ Network | Patchwork Circles
Co-production in Wales ministers & senior civil servants local authorities | One Voice Wales WCVA | Participation Cymru Welsh Alliance for Citizen-directed Support Disability Wales | Community Lives NLIAH | Wellbeing Wales …healthy living as the outcome of a process of co-production between health professionals and patient groups… Leanne Wood
more & better for less engagement, wellbeing, resilience prevention / early action sustainability & scalability culture of entitlement disempowered, disengaged passivity, dependence participation fatigue demographic pressures welfare reform budget cuts recession
We are family… Ty Waunarlwydd | My Life Cymru | OPAN Who wants to help enable me to be as much as I want, as much as I can, as much as I should, right now and every tomorrow until the day I die?
‘We have moved from being service users to being researchers - a positive identity which has motivated us all. Yes we are useful, we have a purpose, we are being valued for helping to compile an incredible piece of work Lives + … confidence has returned, passion and purpose too, as well as an overwhelming feeling of pride to be part of such an incredible project. For us, being part of a team, sharing, supporting, discovering and importantly, laughing together, has been incredibly affirming.’
Redevelopment Café. clean up campaigns. environmental projects. community murals. Battle of the Bands. films, comedy & theatre. bingo. tea dances & discos. Real Food box scheme. recording studio. Creation Development Trust
Co-production - mapping the process build the initial team create the vision / identify the problem design the project expand the team / deepen the knowledge implement the project evaluate (outcomes- based) share the evidence celebrate success scale up
Essential Co-production skills Making things happen together Collaborative Leadership Building teams & partnerships Action Learning Democratic decision-making Sustaining Success Extending the networks Building confidence Sharing the evidence Stepping back Communication and Engagement Non--directive coaching Appreciative Enquiry Asset Mapping Influencing and Advocating
building people’s capacity to live the life they want, in the community where they live Ruth Dineen Emma Falkner |