Welcome To AP Environmental Science (APES)
Introduction Hi I'm Mr. Clark. Hi I'm Mr. Clark. This discussion is to explain to you what we do in this science class. This discussion is to explain to you what we do in this science class.
Mr. Clark I’m the guy in the white coat! I’m the guy in the white coat!
Topics of Discussion We will talk about: We will talk about: Classroom rules Classroom rules Grading Grading Topics we study Topics we study
Classroom Rules Rules Rules Rewards Rewards Consequences Consequences
Classroom Rules Be in your seat on time. Stay in your seat until you are dismissed. Be in your seat on time. Stay in your seat until you are dismissed. Inform yourself of all school and classroom policies and procedures and follow them. Inform yourself of all school and classroom policies and procedures and follow them. Always follow the safety rules. Interact with all people and objects respectfully and safely. Always follow the safety rules. Interact with all people and objects respectfully and safely. Be prepared for class. Be prepared for class. No private conversations, don’t be rude. No private conversations, don’t be rude. When in doubt, ask. When in doubt, ask.
Classroom Rules Rewards Rewards You will pass the class if you work at it. You will pass the class if you work at it. You will score high on the AP exam. You will score high on the AP exam. You will be happier. You will be happier. Classroom Games. Classroom Games. A good education A good education
Classroom Rules Consequences. Consequences. Warning. Warning. 30 second lecture after class. 30 second lecture after class. Detention. Detention. Phone home. Phone home. A trip to the assistant principal. A trip to the assistant principal.
Classroom Rules Severe clause. Severe clause. Outrageous behavior results in removal from the classroom. Outrageous behavior results in removal from the classroom.
Grading Categories Categories Exams and Paper 60% Exams and Paper 60% Quizzes 10% Quizzes 10% Projects 10% Projects 10% Homework and class work 10% Homework and class work 10% Lab and Fieldwork 10% Lab and Fieldwork 10%
Topics We Study I. EARTH SYSTEMS AND RESOURCES (10-15%) I. EARTH SYSTEMS AND RESOURCES (10-15%) A. Earth Science Concepts A. Earth Science Concepts B. The Atmosphere B. The Atmosphere C. Global Water Resources and Use C. Global Water Resources and Use D. Soil and Soil Dynamics D. Soil and Soil Dynamics
Topics We Study II. THE LIVING WORLD (10- 15%) II. THE LIVING WORLD (10- 15%) A. Ecosystem Structure A. Ecosystem Structure B. Energy Flow B. Energy Flow C. Ecosystem Diversity C. Ecosystem Diversity D. Natural Ecosystem Change D. Natural Ecosystem Change E. Natural Biogeochemical Cycles E. Natural Biogeochemical Cycles
Topics We Study III. POPULATION (10-15%) III. POPULATION (10-15%) A. Population Biology Concepts A. Population Biology Concepts B. Human Population B. Human Population Human Population Dynamics Human Population Dynamics Human Population Size Human Population Size
Topics We Study IV. LAND AND WATER USE (10- 15%) IV. LAND AND WATER USE (10- 15%) A. Agriculture A. Agriculture B. Forestry B. Forestry C. Rangelands C. Rangelands D. Other Land Use D. Other Land Use E. Mining E. Mining F. Fishing F. Fishing G. Global Economics G. Global Economics
Topics We Study V. ENERGY RESOURCES AND CONSUMPTION (10-15%) V. ENERGY RESOURCES AND CONSUMPTION (10-15%) A. Energy Concepts A. Energy Concepts B. Energy Consumption B. Energy Consumption C. Fossil Fuel Resources and Use C. Fossil Fuel Resources and Use D. Nuclear Energy D. Nuclear Energy E. Hydroelectric Power E. Hydroelectric Power F. Energy Conservation F. Energy Conservation G. Renewable Energy G. Renewable Energy
Topics We Study VI. POLLUTION (25-30%) VI. POLLUTION (25-30%) A. Pollution Types A. Pollution Types Air Pollution Air Pollution Noise Pollution Noise Pollution Water Pollution Water Pollution Solid Waste Solid Waste B. Impacts on the Environment and Human Health B. Impacts on the Environment and Human Health C. Economic Impacts C. Economic Impacts
Topics We Study VII. GLOBAL CHANGE (10-15%) VII. GLOBAL CHANGE (10-15%) A. Stratospheric Zone A. Stratospheric Zone B. Global Warming B. Global Warming C. Loss of Biodiversity C. Loss of Biodiversity
Topics We Study In addition we will also be incorporating the following concepts throughout the year: In addition we will also be incorporating the following concepts throughout the year: Scientific Analysis Scientific Analysis Environment and Society: Trade-Offs and Decision Making Environment and Society: Trade-Offs and Decision Making Conservation Conservation Preservation Preservation Remediation Remediation Sustainability Sustainability
Misc. We will be covering one chapter per week of school. We will be covering one chapter per week of school. We will have exams about once a month. We will have exams about once a month. Keep up with the reading. Keep up with the reading. Always hand in your homework and current events. Always hand in your homework and current events. Textbook is Miller Living in the Environment 14 th Edition. Textbook is Miller Living in the Environment 14 th Edition.
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