eHealth Interoperability – EU Commission activities Dr Octavian Purcarea Unit H1 – ICT for Health Directorate ICT for citizens and businesses DG INFSO EU Commission Dr Octavian Purcarea Unit H1 – ICT for Health Directorate ICT for citizens and businesses DG INFSO EU Commission
Overview Rationale Rationale eHealth Action plan eHealth Action plan eHealth Working Group activities eHealth Working Group activities Roadmap up to the Recommendation Roadmap up to the Recommendation Specific topics Specific topics Discussion Discussion
Support reform and organisation: - Integrated Regional Health Information Network with - Electronic health records, -e-prescriptions, e-referrals - Telemedicine services improving access, quality and efficiency EU Vision: Person-Centred Health systems improving access, quality and efficiency - Information infrastructure for research & clinical care Empower patients Personal health systems (wearable, implantable) Information tools Keep people healthy Information for disease prevention Lifestyle management Provide tools to health Professionals Decision support systems EHRs Portable med. Imaging Robotics Modeling and visualisation Research areas and achievements to date (15 years of R&D):
I) Support to Policies & Deployment – P roductivity, support to implementation eHealth Action plan eHealth Action plan II) Research focus - P revention Personal Health Systems Personal Health Systems Patient Safety Patient Safety Validation: AAL and Independent living/ Active ageing Validation: AAL and Independent living/ Active ageing III) Research focus - P rediction Biomedical Informatics Biomedical Informatics Virtual Physiological Human Virtual Physiological Human Infrastructure and toolbox for all activities: HEALTHGRID IV) Communication – conferences, publications, media, … DG INFSO – H1 ICT for Health Main categories of activities
Support to Policies & Deployment - Rationale Lack of interoperability is detrimental to the patients (lack of information, medical errors, limited mobility), health professionals (difficult access to health records), health managers (lack of economic analysis), researchers (reduced availability of medical data) as well as to industry, in particular to SMEs (reduced market share). R&D in eHealth has resulted in proofs of eHealth benefits, including financial. Local and regional pilots need to scale to support national and EU wide services.
‘e-Health – making healthcare better for European citizens: An action plan for a European e-Health Area’: COM(2004) 356 final Main objective: to accelerate awareness and uptake of beneficial eHealth systems & services Approved by Commission, 30 April 2004 Approved by Commission, 30 April 2004 Discussed, noted and specific recommendations issued at the EPSCO [Health] Council, June Discussed, noted and specific recommendations issued at the EPSCO [Health] Council, June part of a package of three Communications: the two others were on open method of co-ordination and on patient mobility part of a package of three Communications: the two others were on open method of co-ordination and on patient mobility eh_action_plan/index_en.htm Launching eHealth: a high-level initiative
Communication: COM(2004) 356 final ‘e-Health – making healthcare better for European citizens: An action plan for a European e-Health Area’ e-Health action plan: main areas of activity e-Health action plan: main areas of activity National/regional roadmaps (MS, 2005) Common approaches for patient identifier (EC+MS, 2006) Interoperability standards for EHR and messaging (EC+MS,2006) TMA Bridge, I2Health, Semantic Health, RIDE, Semantic Mining… Boosting investments in eHealth (MS, 2007) Conformity testing and accreditation (MS 2007) Deployment of health information networks (MS, ) Legal framework, certification of qualifications (EC+MS,2009)
History The i2010 Sub Group on eHealth was set up in February 2005 The i2010 Sub Group on eHealth was set up in February 2005 Its main objective is: To provide support to the Action Plan implementation Its main objective is: To provide support to the Action Plan implementation It is a strategic, not a technical, Group (technical subgroups can be set up on request) It is a strategic, not a technical, Group (technical subgroups can be set up on request)
Ad hoc group proposal It is proposed an ad hoc group for the definition of patient summary, patient and practitioner identifiers, and the emergency data set. It is proposed an ad hoc group for the definition of patient summary, patient and practitioner identifiers, and the emergency data set. The ad hoc group could also address the area of ePrescribing. The ad hoc group could also address the area of ePrescribing. The group will be set up within the framework of the Common Interest Preparatory Activities funded by the eTEN programme. The group will be set up within the framework of the Common Interest Preparatory Activities funded by the eTEN programme.
Support to policies and deployment: eHealth interoperability What issues to address in eHealth interoperability What issues to address in eHealth interoperability Specific topics were identified by EU Ministries of Health and ICT (eHealth Working Group) Patient summary Patient summary Patient/practitioner identifiers Patient/practitioner identifiers Emergency data set Emergency data set ePrescription ePrescription An eHealth Stakeholders’ group (which involves users, industry, experts) explored these issues An eHealth Stakeholders’ group (which involves users, industry, experts) explored these issues Goal : A set of guidelines on interoperability
Achievements 3 meetings of the eHealth SG allowed the development of an eHealth Interoperability Report on the road towards a Recommendation on eHealth Interoperability 3 meetings of the eHealth SG allowed the development of an eHealth Interoperability Report on the road towards a Recommendation on eHealth Interoperability Launch of 5 studies in the framework of the eHealth Action plan: Launch of 5 studies in the framework of the eHealth Action plan: Productivity and economic Impact of eHealth (2005) Good practice exchange in eHealth Study on Identity of Patient and Practitioner in eHealth Study on Legal and regulatory aspects of eHealth Study on use of ICT in Patient Safety Launch of 5 EU funded projects in the area of interoperability and support to the action plan (eHealth ERA, I2Health, RIDE, Semantic Health, Q-REC) Launch of 5 EU funded projects in the area of interoperability and support to the action plan (eHealth ERA, I2Health, RIDE, Semantic Health, Q-REC)
Objectives The ad hoc group shall assist in the preparation of the large scale pilots for specific interoperable eHealth applications and shall contribute to the drafting of the planned Commission Recommendation on interoperability of electronic health records in Europe. Regarding the large scale pilots, the ad hoc group will - - Prepare roadmaps outlining the steps needed to accomplish the implementation of large scale pilots; - - Contribute to define the objectives, schedules and outputs expected from the pilots. - - The overall exercise is intended to build on national activities, helping to accelerate the development of interoperable eHealth services that will facilitate provision of quality, care, mobility and an eHealth market in Europe.
Large Scale Pilots Set of guidelines (Recommendation) 2006 End Ad Hoc Group eHealth Working Group (Authorities) Stakeholders group (Users, Industry) Implementation Authorities/bodies Interoperability Platform(s) eHealth Interoperability Report Roadmap