Portfolio approaches in Germany ELGPN WP1 – Dr. Bernhard Jenschke | Two Portfolio approaches: Berufswahlpass and ProfilPASS ELGPN WP1 Meeting Toulouse, 14 – 15 November 2011 Dr. Bernhard Jenschke, National Guidance Forum, Germany
Portfolio approaches in Germany ELGPN WP1 – Dr. Bernhard Jenschke | Overview Berufswahlpass Prerequisites Content CMS acquisition ProfilPASS Content Further development CMS acquisition Summary/ Comparison
Portfolio approaches in Germany ELGPN WP1 – Dr. Bernhard Jenschke | Berufswahlpass (career choice passport)
Portfolio approaches in Germany ELGPN WP1 – Dr. Bernhard Jenschke | Berufswahlpass folder-based tool supports and structures career orientation of young people in lower secondary education in use since 2006 developed as part of a FMER programme (“school/economy/work” Schule/Wirtschaft/Arbeitsleben ) further development is coordinated by the federal working group “Berufswahlpass” ( Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Berufswahlpass ) widely used in schools (ca. 80% in 12 federal states)
Portfolio approaches in Germany ELGPN WP1 – Dr. Bernhard Jenschke | Berufswahlpass: Prerequisites ressource-oriented approach focussing on individual strengths continuous conversations with parents, teachers and career guidance practitioners accompany the process support through additional material and tools for pupils, parents and educators like handbooks and internet fora for communication quality assurance through specific quality standards and evaluation
Portfolio approaches in Germany ELGPN WP1 – Dr. Bernhard Jenschke | Berufswahlpass: Content provisions and information for career orientation important partners for the career choice process assessment and evaluation of personal interests and competences (self- and external) checklists on various topics a.e. matching career orientations and personal strengths documentation of the career choice process practical information a.e. on public administrations, insurances and income additional work book with concrete tasks
Portfolio approaches in Germany ELGPN WP1 – Dr. Bernhard Jenschke | Berufswahlpass: Content Introduction: Overview of the steps of sucessful career orientation Part 1 providers and cooperations: introduction to the important partners and their tasks (a.e. school, EA, companies) Part 2 way towards career choice: assessment and evaluation of interests, competences etc.; checklists on matching skills and interests with job demands; (includes counselling and planning transition from school to VET) Part 3: documentation: collection of all the information gathered (a.e. interests, goals, practical experiences) arrangement and valuation of the collected documents and certificates Part 4: Support in life planning: tips and advice on housing, income, insurances, administration and departments Workbook: schedule including all the steps of the career choice process
Portfolio approaches in Germany ELGPN WP1 – Dr. Bernhard Jenschke | Berufswahlpass: CMS acquisition acquisition and development of CMS is supported, documented and reflected upon CMS are developed: through a focused and clear path to finding a career or study subject through additional information on the career choice process and related issues Further information:
Portfolio approaches in Germany ELGPN WP1 – Dr. Bernhard Jenschke | ProfilPASS ® (profile passport)
Portfolio approaches in Germany ELGPN WP1 – Dr. Bernhard Jenschke | ProfilPASS ® portfolio tool to systematically review one’s own life recording and assessment of competences and abilities originally developed for adults smaller and simpler version for young people on the market since 2006 long development phase (funded by the FMER) development is coordinated by the German Institute for Adult Education (Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung)
Portfolio approaches in Germany ELGPN WP1 – Dr. Bernhard Jenschke | ProfilPASS ® assessment and evaluation of competences gained in all aspects of life: education, vocational training, voluntary work, work, leisure time or family work etc. particular focus on those competences gained through informal and non-formal learning support through additional material and tools and internet fora for communication between the guidance practitioners
Portfolio approaches in Germany ELGPN WP1 – Dr. Bernhard Jenschke | ProfilPASS ® : system ProfilPASS-folder: autonomous work professional ProfilPASS-guidance and counselling: specially trained and certified guidance practitioners counselors facilitate the reflection process and the specification of competencies and abilities e-ProfilPASS: online tool
Portfolio approaches in Germany ELGPN WP1 – Dr. Bernhard Jenschke | development and adaptation for new target groups (50+, employees in companies) networking, cooperation, exchange, collection of good practice of the certified practitioners standard qualification leading to a certificate for guidance practitioners using the tool (regular re-certification is necessary) e-ProfilPASS from 31. January 2012 to support the process in combination with the folder and face-to-face guidance ProfilPASS ® : further development
Portfolio approaches in Germany ELGPN WP1 – Dr. Bernhard Jenschke | ProfilPASS ® : content Introduction Part 1 my life an overview: looks at the biography including education, work, family, leisure and voluntary work Part 2 jobs and activities: assessment and evaluation of skills and competences in all aspects of life Part 3: results: reflection of personal strengths through summarizing the prior collected competences and skills Part 4: next goals and steps: defining goals and next steps, planning of action ProfilPASS Plus: collection of documents and certificates special form to document competences gained in infomal contexts ProfilPASS Plus A-Z: information on all aspects of professions and work life (also accessible online)
Portfolio approaches in Germany ELGPN WP1 – Dr. Bernhard Jenschke | ProfilPASS ® : CMS acquisition through intensive reflection and evaluation of competences and interests through goal setting and action planning additional part building skills for the application process Further information:
Portfolio approaches in Germany ELGPN WP1 – Dr. Bernhard Jenschke | Summary: 2 portfolio approaches BerufswahlpassProfilPASS folder-based approach (independent work with support of a career counselor) young people (lower secondary schools) versions for adults and for different target groups include: review of personal interrests and skills, competence assessment and evaluation, goal setting, planning of action and career information focus on career orientationfocus on assessment and evaluation of competences gained in informal learning contexts quality standards (input criteria)counselor certification
Portfolio approaches in Germany ELGPN WP1 – Dr. Bernhard Jenschke | Thank you for your attention! Dr. Bernhard Jenschke, Nationales Forum Beratung (nfb) Kurfürstenstr. 131, D Berlin