Mars Orbit Rendezvous Robert Dyck
Only land what you need Mars Direct ERV contains stuff not needed on Mars Food & life support for transit to Earth Earth heat shield & parachute Earth survival gear Leave these in Mars orbit
All inflatable hab Inflatable surface habitat, dedicated to Mars no micrometeor shield Gore-tex to keep out fines, let water vapour & CO 2 pass –prevent ice between outer layer and pressure membrane endure dust storms without damage furniture & systems designed for gravity crew descend in capsule, CEV descent module thermal protection for Mars air
Launch sequence MAV & cargo lander, solar-electric propulsion: 2 years ITV & surface habitat, chemical: 6 months MAV Cargo ITV & hab Year X Year X+2
ITV with surface hab Launch crew vehicle after MAV fuel tanks full Crew in dedicated Interplanetary Transit Vehicle (ITV) micrometeoroid shield thermal protection dedicated to vacuum zero-G exercise equipment all equipment dedicated to zero-G operation Attached lander with surface hab & descent capsule Expendable chemical TMI stage ITV will be return vehicle, in case of abort crew already in return vehicle with food, life support, zero-G exercise Surface hab available as redundant backup
Surface Land with hab, recycling life support, food, spacesuits, open rover Permafrost as life support backup Cargo lander has lab, second open rover Cargo lander confirmed close to MAV before leaving Earth Rover with hab has pup-tents and extra suit supplies
Lab as backup hab Lab delivered via cargo lander, waiting beside MAV Inflatable lab can be used as living space if hab fails no room for both living and lab work Backup recycling life support system could be powered by MAV’s ISPP power plant Extra supply of food for full duration
Suit Operation Restrict EVA to ½ hour walk to rover Extra PLSS on rover for each astronaut Microwave regenerable CO 2 sorbent (Ag 2 O granuals) Rebreather backup, LiOH sorbent & aluminum O 2 tank Chest air bladder & one-way valves circulate air by breathing in case battery failure Backup O 2 released by pressure regulator (no power) Primary PLSS components field swappable Primary O2 refillable & battery rechargable Carry handle, backup PLSS carried while wearing primary
MAV as TEI stage Unpressurized MAV cabin, ride in suits Rendezvous & hard-dock with ITV MAV with in-situ produced propellant as TEI
Aerocapture into Earth orbit Aerocapture into Earth orbit, aerobrake down to LEO Park ITV in LEO for second mission Recover astronauts by reusable space taxi CEV descent module as emergency escape pod Equipment for 2 nd mission: TMI stage Lander: surface hab, descent capsule, open rover MAV Cargo lander with Lab if different landing site
Future expansion ITV designed to accept future advanced propulsion TMI nuclear thermal or nuclear electric, multi-mission reactor NERVA, Timberwind, VASIMR designers can compete refuellable propellant tank, requires LEO fuel supply MAV could be replaced by a DC-XA style Mars surface shuttle for descent/ascent Requires infrastructure for fuel production Fuel tanker to refuel ITV propulsion stage Mars or Deimos/Phobos
Artificial gravity Shannon Lucent: 6 months on Mir, walked off Shuttle Artificial gravity preferred but not necessary Requires technology to manoeuvre in tethered flight Demonstration flight: CEV & spent Progress in LEO