Metrics Planning and Reporting Working Group (MPAR-WG) H. K. (Rama) Ramapriyan, NASA/GSFC Clyde Brown, LaRC / SSAI Co-Chairs MPAR-WG Recommendations Approved by NASA Headquarters January 14, 2010
MPARWG Recommendation #1: Establish Metrics Baseline and Collection Approach Definition of Metrics Baseline and Metrics Collection Tool Baseline of 10 Metrics developed by MPAR-WG in 2004, included in REASoN CAN agreements. Metrics Collection Tool based on metrics tool developed by the University of Maryland for the ESIP Federation among alternatives considered by MPAR-WG. Recommendation to adopt baseline and UMD tool developed in 2004 MPAR-WG sessions; formal recommendation adopted in March 2004 and provided to HQ in April Approved by NASA Headquarters, July 13, 2004.
MPARWG Recommendation #2: Metrics Baseline Changes Modifications to Metrics Baseline Includes clarified definitions for metrics, new “experimental” Service Metrics to cover projects that emphasize provision of services rather than (or in addition to) data products, optional project-unique metrics, and a “Metrics Mission Statement”. Proposed baseline changes were reviewed through the MPAR- WG’s formal recommendation process and finalized by the MPAR- WG during the October 2005 ESDSWG workshop. Recommendation provided to HQ in April Approved by NASA Headquarters, September 29, 2006
MPARWG Recommendation #3: Service Metrics Accept Service Metrics as Part of Regular Metrics Baseline Had been approved as Experimental for FY2007. Many REASoN and ACCESS projects found service metrics useful. Recommendation developed in October 2007 ESDSWG Workshop and provided with report on FY2007 experience to HQ in April Approved by NASA Headquarters, October 2008
MPARWG Recommendation #4: Metrics Archive Policy Provides guidelines for maintaining the metrics data after the periods of performance of the individual funded community data systems: All metrics data collected shall be saved permanently, in accordance with legal requirements and NASA policies. Access for analysis will be granted on a case by case basis by the individual(s) managing the metrics activity when requests are made. Archive in format that facilitates analysis via common spreadsheet programs, e.g. Excel, and Impact Metrics in their original format (jpeg or pdf). Discussed at MPAR-WG in October 2007, provided to HQ in May Approved by NASA Headquarters, October 2008.