CREATING IMMERSIVE ART WITHOUT A PROGRAMMER: The first year for CANVAS, A Virtual Reality Environment for Museums Rose Marshack - Nicholas Duchnowski - Abby Watt Jennifer Jackson - Hank Kaczmarski Krannert Art Museum Integrated Systems Lab
CREATING IMMERSIVE ART WITHOUT A PROGRAMMER: The first year for CANVAS, A Virtual Reality Environment for Museums Krannert Art Museum The Integrated Systems Lab at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Krannert Art Museum Integrated Systems Lab
CAVE™ Technology C AVE A utomatic V irtual E nvironment Krannert Art Museum Integrated Systems Lab
CANVAS Gallery C ollaborative A dvanced N avigation V irtual A rts S tudio Krannert Art Museum Integrated Systems Lab
CANVAS Gallery Krannert Art Museum Integrated Systems Lab
3D Stereo Viewing Krannert Art Museum Integrated Systems Lab
CANVAS Gallery Krannert Art Museum Integrated Systems Lab
Creating Art with Programming Requires knowledge of: C++ or Python OpenGL Syzygy Distributed OS Krannert Art Museum Integrated Systems Lab
What is KAMScript? Simple scripting language Built with C++/OpenGL Requires no programming experience Open-source Krannert Art Museum Integrated Systems Lab
Example Scene Krannert Art Museum Integrated Systems Lab
Creating Art with KAMScript This scene is created with 33 lines of KAMScript code. Krannert Art Museum Integrated Systems Lab
A History of New Crayon Land (2007) Nicholas Duchnowski Sumi Land (2007) Nicholas Duchnowski
What is an Icon? - Gallery Created by University law professor William Van Hagey no programming experience first-time user of KAMScript Krannert Art Museum Integrated Systems Lab
KAMScript Variations MiXTAPEStry (2006) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign & Duke University Krannert Art Museum Integrated Systems Lab
KAMScript Variations Trees You Can’t Climb (2006) John Jennings Damien Duffy Nicholas Duchnowski Krannert Art Museum Integrated Systems Lab
User Experiences User Difficulties unfamiliarity with the 3D coordinate system running KAMScript on the CANVAS unfamiliarity with scripting commands User Successes Van Hagey’s Gallery freshman discovery class Krannert Art Museum Integrated Systems Lab
Acknowledgements We would like to thank Kathleen Harleman, Benjamin Schaffer, Jim Crowell, Camille Goudeseune, Jim Farrar, Debbie Carrier, George Francis, David Weightman, and Robin Douglas for their support. Krannert Art Museum Integrated Systems Lab