Safety Symbols
Biohazard--hazard to humans or the environment resulting from biological agents or conditions Biohazard--hazard to humans or the environment resulting from biological agents or conditions
Compressed gas—explosive or pressure danger.
Corrosive-- a substance, especially a strong acid; capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action [syn: caustic] Corrosive-- a substance, especially a strong acid; capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action [syn: caustic] caustic
Electrical hazard—electricity in use or danger of shock.
Envirohazard—substances dangerous to the environment
Explosive—substance or activity that is potentially explosive
Extinguisher—location sign for the fire extinguisher
Eyewash—location sign for the eyewash station
Flammable—materials need to be kept away from flame
Keep away from food— material is a food contaminant
No Flame—materials are combustible—keep flames away
Poison—material is toxic. Do not ingest, inhale or get on skin.
Radioactive—material emits radiation.
Reactive—chemicals can react
Recycle—materials to be recycled
Toxic/Infectious— biomaterials can cause disease
Live Animals—handle with care. Normally indicated with a mouse symbol.
Cut Hazard—danger of cutting oneself Indicated with a picture of a sharp instrument or a cut on the hand.
Eye Safety—eye protection should be worn Indicated by a picture of goggles or someone wearing goggles
Wash hands—important to wash hands before leaving lab Indicated by a picture of handwashing
Clean up—dispose of trash and chemicals properly
Which symbol indicates that a substance may be corrosive? AB C D
A lake has the following symbol posted. What is being indicated? A.Biohazard present in water B.Radioactive Waste present C.Toxic/infectious biomaterials present D.Envirohazard present
Which symbol indicates conservation of resources? A B CD
The symbol below would be appropriate for a lab that required- A.Hazardous chemicals B.Heating of substances C.Electrical equipment D.All of the above
Which symbol below does not indicate that materials may explode or combust. A B DC