DAMAGED REPORT EXERCISE! EXERCISE ! EXERCISE! CNN reports that not only Kansas City was hit bad by tornadoes. Cities across the Midwest report damage from savage tornadoes. The amount of damage varied. Omaha and Des Moines report extensive property damage from EF4 storms that ravaged their towns.
MAP LEGEND = Area with heavy amount of damage = Area with moderate amount of damage = Area with light amount of damage
KANSAS CITY DOWNTOWN CLOSED The Kansas City Mayor released a press announcement that said, “The downtown area would remain closed until officials are sure falling glass and other types of debris are cleaned from the tall buildings and present no threat to pedestrians. “I would urge companies in the downtown area, if at all possible, to hold off on bringing people in.... We don't want anyone else to get hurt.” EXERCISE! EXERCISE ! EXERCISE!
FEMA DAMAGE REPORT EXERCISE! EXERCISE ! EXERCISE! FEMA INCIDENT REPORT RVI-XX TYPE OF INCIDENT: Tornado Disaster 2. INCIDENT REPORT DATE AND TIME: ##/##/## #### CDT 3. INCIDENT: An estimated 5 tornadoes touched down in the downtown Kansas City area. The tornadoes were on the ground for an estimated 30 minutes. Approximately 1-3 of these tornadoes were at least EF4 storms or more. There is extensive damage to buildings in the downtown area. Casualties are unknown at this time. There has been no change in damage figures or casualties for the tornadoes. State officials from MO confirm 380 deaths and more than 500 injuries. They estimate that more than 3,500 structures city wide were destroyed or severely damaged by the tornadoes. KS Officials confirm that they have recorded 250 Storm related deaths and more than 400 injuries. They estimate that more than 2,500 structures are destroyed or severely damaged by the tornadoes. There are currently 190,000 customers without power throughout the Kansas City area. Utility officials expect to have full restoration, where possible, within seven to 12 days for the downtown area. They hope to have power restoration to the outlying areas within the next 21 days. High voltage lines are down throughout the city.
KC Report Channel 9 reported that, “The storm knocked out electricity to 190,000 customers overnight. The twisters hit just before dark Tuesday evening, just after 6 p.m. Wailing tornado sirens warned resident’s minutes before each tornado hit. "The wind was blowing so fast and all the people were shouting, 'We don't want to die, we don't want to die,' " said Sanu Piya, a worker at the Star printing plant. Various people at the gas station and convenience store across the street huddled together as one of the tornado passed by outside. One man was killed when he was hit by flying debris, and another victim was found dead in a collapsed building by the Star building according to a Kansas City Police Lt. David Burgess. Several victims’ bodies were recovered from floodwaters in the brush creek area as one tornado ripped through that area. Another person drowned, and one is missing and presumed dead after their cars were swept into the Blue River by the Federal Complex in South Kansas City. Two others in the same vehicle were rescued. EXERCISE! EXERCISE ! EXERCISE!
Additional Damage Report EXERCISE! EXERCISE ! EXERCISE! The city of Kansas City was struck overnight by up to 5 tornadoes. Other parts of the Midwest were struck by an additional 30 tornadoes. The cities of Omaha, Des Moines, Lincoln and Topeka all report extensive damage, deaths and injuries from tornadoes which hit those cities. Multiple tornadoes ripped through various parts of Kansas City. Some reports put the number of tornadoes up to 15. Seven of these tornadoes were initially rated as EF5 storms, the worst category. Based off fragmentary information it seems that tornadoes have hit the plaza, the airport, north of the river, the downtown area and Kansas City, KS pretty hard. Initial causality reports put the number of injured in Kansas City from the storms at over 500. Along with the tornadoes the storms produced huge amounts of rain and in some parts of the city there were reports of huge hailstones raining down on the town.
Additional Damage Report 2 EXERCISE! EXERCISE ! EXERCISE! One storm ripped through downtown Kansas City damaging several buildings in that area. Weather observers in Kansas City, KS report that the BPU building, KC KS City Hall, the Dole Courthouse and the EPA building in Lenexa received damage from the tornado. A few observers said then the tornado jumped into the air and crossed the river. As it crossed the river the waterline seemed to drop. The tornado then landed by the FBI building and proceeded to tear up downtown Kansas City, MO. Many buildings in the downtown area seem to be heavily damaged. Most of the skyscrapers in the area are missing a good portion of their glass panes. A few buildings have debris sticking out of windows on the upper floors. Over turned cars litter the streets. Glass, steel, dirt, rocks, trash, and every other kind of debris imaginable litter the downtown area.
City Damage EXERCISE! EXERCISE ! EXERCISE! KCTV 5, Kansas City, MO runs a report on the damage to the downtown area from the storms” At the start of the report the sound of glass shattering could be heard in the city throughout the day as workers pushed the remains of broken windows, some weighing as much as 200 pounds, out of their frames high above the streets. The KCTV 5 report said "If they were to break loose, there is no telling where they're going to land. You can go for several blocks and see the damage. A city spokesman in the report said that those areas around those buildings are going to continue to keep closed off until we can get up there and take care of those problems. The report went on to say: “Falling glass poses a big threat to people. The threat comes from loose panels falling down from buildings and hitting people below. Half- dozen downtown buildings, many of them high-rises, were slammed by the twisters, leaving broken walls of glass hanging precariously above the streets. "Folks are going to have to understand, this is a natural disaster," said Al Smith, an on-scene Fire Captain, "It's going to cause some inconvenience. People are just going to have to tolerate it.“