You will then see a List of foods drop down You may have to scroll down the list using the [ ] on the bottom right corner of list. Click on the desired food item you want, then click on OK Then notice on the right margin the Portion sizes. First type in the Amount of what you ate or the quantity in recipe, then hit Enter Then select the Unit of Measure by typing in the first letter or two (E for each, C for cup, etc.). Then hit Enter Continue adding foods. If you make a mistake and want to delete a food item, just click on it. Then select Edit from the menu bar from the top, then select Delete.
DIVIDING DIETS BY NO. of DAYS - or - RECIPES INTO NO. of SERVINGS If you have listed all the foods eaten over a 3-day period you will have to divide them by 3 to get the average eaten per day. If you are working on a recipe, you will have to divide the whole recipe by the number of servings to get the nutrient content per serving. To do this click on the yellow pie icon SERVING SIZE at the top. If you are working on a RECIPE, click on the circle in front of My Foodlist will make... and enter the number of servings in that recipe - then click on OK If you are working on a DIET ANALYSIS, click on the circle in front of: Divide Foodlist - and type in the number of days. Then click on OK
SAVING YOUR DIET (Optional) It is probably a good idea at this point to save all your foods thus far. You actually won't need your diet for future labs in this class, however sometimes the program crashes and you lose all your data....hence it is a good idea to save it. To save, type in Ctrl+S (Hold down Ctrl button while typing in S) This brings up the "Save" window Click on the Change rectangle, Select the A:\ drive, then click on OK Click on the SAVE rectangle....wait until it says "successfully saved", then click on OK (this may be a very "quiet" process, but wait until it says OK)
GETTING THE ANALYSIS - PRINT-OUT Click on the icon Analyze at the top (the green microscope) It will give you the Choose Report window You can now choose what reports you want in your print out. You can select several at one time. Just click on the ones required for your assignment below and they will become highlighted. You can choose from the following options: Foodlist, Spreadsheet, Sources & Amounts for Single Nutrient, Label, Multi-column, Ratios and Percents, Bar Graph, Protein Quality, Food Pyramid. What I want for your assignments is listed below: For each of the recipe assignments select: Foodlist Spreadsheet For the 3-Day record select: Foodlist Spreadsheet Multicolumn (compared to your RDA) Ratios and Percents Food Pyramid
Now, give your report a title, so look at the Heading rectangle on the bottom. If it is a diet analysis (3-day record) - type in Your Name. If it is a recipe - type in the name of the food. Directly below that, click on the "Compare to" square and it will bring up the RDA groups. Select your group (you may have to scroll down the list by clicking on the down arrow [ ]. Then click on the rectangle Compare. This will bring you back to the Choose Report window. To Print, click on the Print rectangle, then on OK When done, click on the Close rectangle
TO EXIT THE PROGRAM Click on File at the top menu bar, then on Exit Don't forget to remove your computer disk from the machine. If you want to come back and modify your diet or recipe later, instructions for loading your diet from disk follow.
LOADING YOUR FOODLIST FROM YOUR DISK Put disk in A: drive To open file, type in Ctrl+O (Hold down Ctrl button while typing in O) This brings you to the "Open" window. Click on "All" after Search in File at bottom of the window....and select the A:\ drive You will then see the name of the file you saved. Double click on it to open.
If you need to modify the loaded diet (delete foods, add foods): To delete a food: Click on the food to be deleted. Then click on Edit from the top menu bar, then select Delete. To add a food: Just type it in and select amounts as before To save diet, print diet, just follow instructions as before. Before printing, you should set the options again - for no. of servings or days, compare to, etc.