The One True Story of the Whole World finding your place in the biblical drama
Why a Story? Imagine that the man standing next to you at the bus stop suddenly turns to you and says, “The name of the Harlequin Duck is Histrionicus histrionicus pacificus.” Imagine that the man standing next to you at the bus stop suddenly turns to you and says, “The name of the Harlequin Duck is Histrionicus histrionicus pacificus.” We understand his sentence, but why on earth is he saying it? We understand his sentence, but why on earth is he saying it?
What does it mean to be human? What does it mean to be human? Where did our world come from? Where did our world come from? Why does the world seem to be so troubled? Why does the world seem to be so troubled? Can humans alone fix the problems of the world? Can humans alone fix the problems of the world?
“The whole point of Christianity is that it offers a story which is the story of the whole world.” - N.T. Wright
Act 1: CREATION God Establishes the Kingdom God created everything “and it was good”. God created everything “and it was good”. Humans (male and female) were created as his image bearers, and given the blessing and mandate to rule over creation to his glory and praise. Humans (male and female) were created as his image bearers, and given the blessing and mandate to rule over creation to his glory and praise.
Act 2: THE FALL Rebellion in the Kingdom Evil intruded into God’s good creation. Tempted by Satan, Adam and Eve gave in to their evil desire to be like God. Evil intruded into God’s good creation. Tempted by Satan, Adam and Eve gave in to their evil desire to be like God. God, however, promised to fight and destroy Satan through the seed of the woman. God, however, promised to fight and destroy Satan through the seed of the woman.
Act 3: THE CHOICE The King Chooses Israel and Initiates Redemption Scene 1: A People for the King Scene 1: A People for the King Scene 2: A Land and a King for God’s People Scene 2: A Land and a King for God’s People God chose Abraham and made a covenant to “bless all peoples on earth” through him. God chose Abraham and made a covenant to “bless all peoples on earth” through him. Israel was God’s people, chosen to be a light to the nations. Israel was God’s people, chosen to be a light to the nations.
Interlude – The Intertestamental Period: A Kingdom Story Waiting for an Ending
Act 4: REDEMPTION The Coming of a King Jesus, son of God, comes to earth as a human baby. Jesus, son of God, comes to earth as a human baby. Jesus obeyed his Father’s will, even to death on a cross. The evil of the world was heaped on Jesus so that Satan might be defeated and the world saved. Jesus obeyed his Father’s will, even to death on a cross. The evil of the world was heaped on Jesus so that Satan might be defeated and the world saved.
Act 5: THE MISSION OF THE CHURCH Spreading the News of the King Scene 1: From Jerusalem to Rome Scene 1: From Jerusalem to Rome Scene 2: And into All the World Scene 2: And into All the World The church, God’s New Testament Israel, is instructed to proclaim the good news of Christ’s victory and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to live in obedience to Christ (as Christ himself did). The church, God’s New Testament Israel, is instructed to proclaim the good news of Christ’s victory and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to live in obedience to Christ (as Christ himself did).
Act 6: REDEMPTION COMPLETED The Return of the King The last battle begins with the return of Christ. The last battle begins with the return of Christ. Satan will be completely powerless and the old order will pass away. Christ will make all things new and his people will live in perfect harmony with him on the new earth. Satan will be completely powerless and the old order will pass away. Christ will make all things new and his people will live in perfect harmony with him on the new earth.
Note: Title of this slide show and much of its content is taken from The True Story of the Whole World written by Craig G. Bartholomew and Michael W. Goheen. (Faith Alive, 2004)