The surpassing joy of knowing Jesus – Ps.84 1.The blessing of knowing God’s presence – v.1-4 a. His whole being longs for it –v.1,2 b. He envies those at the temple –v.3,4 - birds - temple workers -The whole world is full of God’s presence -Christians/Church are God’s temple
2. The blessing of seeing God at work – v.5-9 a.Hearts set as pilgrims – v.5 b.God bringing good out of difficulty & struggle – v.6,7 - Joseph –Gen.50:20 - Habakkuk – Hab.3: Paul – Rom.8:28 c. The pilgrim prays – v.8,9
3. The blessing of trusting in God – v a.The wonder of God’s presence –v.10 b.The wonder of God –v.11 - He is a sun - He is a shield - He is gracious Trust in Him
4. Your heart’s desire a.Is Jesus your lover? b.How is your love for Jesus growing? 3 conditions we find ourselves in:- 1. Dryness 2. Experience of joy that makes us thirsty for more 3. Fullness of joy c. How strongly does Heaven pull you?