THE NEW MILLENNIUM OR CURRENT TREND The 20th Century Mathematics Math Wars : American Experience (1) A Splintered Vision There is no one at the helm of U.S. mathematics and science education. In truth, there is no one helm. No single coherent vision of how to educate today’s children dominates U.S. educational practice in either science or mathematics. There is no single, commonly accepted place to turn to for such visions. The visions that shape U. S. mathematics and science education are splintered. This is seen in what is planned to be taught, what is in textbooks, and what teachers teach.
THE NEW MILLENNIUM OR CURRENT TREND The 20th Century Mathematics Math Wars : American Experience (2) In the U.S., states and school districts set up curriculum frameworks, standards, objectives, and other curriculum documents. Commercial publishers develop textbooks for use in classrooms. National associations suggest reforms. Test publishers develop tests that have curricular implications. Teachers make day-to-day classroom plans and implement them. However, little of this is coordinated, and what coordination exists is deliberately not mandatory.
THE NEW MILLENNIUM OR CURRENT TREND The 20th Century Mathematics Math Wars : American Experience (3) Mathematics education policies and programs for U.S. public schools have never been more contentious than they were during the decade of the 1990s. The immediate cause of the math wars of the 90s was the introduction and widespread distribution of new math text books with radically diminished content, and a dearth of basic skills. This led to organized parental rebellions and criticisms of the new math curricula by mathematicians and other professionals.
THE NEW MILLENNIUM FOR CURRENT TREND The 20th Century Mathematics Under the leadership of Secretary Richard W. Riley, mathematics has long been a special focus of the U.S. Department of Education. Recognizing the importance of helping our nation's students achieve to high levels, he made mathematics one of the administration's seven priorities. Additionally, in 1997 President Clinton issued a Presidential Directive to the Department and the National Science Foundation to work together to devise an action strategy for using Federal resources in support of improving student performance. The result of this joint effort was the creation of America Counts--a multifaceted Federal initiative that focuses on six strategic areas described in the America Counts Overview.America Counts Overview Math Wars : American Experience (4)
THE NEW MILLENNIUM OR CURRENT TREND The 20th Century Mathematics CALL FOR AN END TO MATH WARS In January 1998, when U.S. Education Secretary Richard Riley called for an end to the "math wars" in a speech before a joint meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America. Math Wars : American Experience (5)
THE NEW MILLENNIUM OR CURRENT TREND The 20th Century Mathematics From The Politics of California School Mathematics: The Anti-Reform of The story of a powerful group of parents and mathematicians in California who manipulated information and played off of the public's perception of our "failing schools" to acquire political clout. Through this telling, they hope that other states willbe able to adopt a more rational course as they reconsider their policies. Math Wars : American Experience (7)
THE NEW MILLENNIUM OR CURRENT TREND The 20th Century Mathematics Today's students must master high-level mathematical concepts and complex approaches to solving problems to be prepared for college, careers of the 21st century, and the demands of everyday life." --U.S. Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley, November 12, 1998 Math Wars : American Experience (6)
END OF PART TWO 2.3 Math Wars