Enhancing the One-Shot Session: Using Pre-Class Online Tutorials to Build a Basic Information Literacy Foundation MAC Annual Meeting, October 14 th, 2010 Emily Mazure, MSI, AHIP Margaret Henderson, MLIS Shannon D. Jones, MLS, AHIP
Coming Up Next Project overview VCU & The Tompkins-McCaw Library for the Health Sciences Why How Results Lessons
Virginia Commonwealth University
Tompkins-McCaw Library for the Health Sciences
Learning styles
Why Tutorials
The Tutorials
Design Objectives Basics Concepts Application Generalizable
Process Storyboard PowerPoint Audio Audacity Screencapture PowerPoint slides Camtasia Edit Camtasia Produce videos Quiz links
Storyboard PowerPoint Audio Audacity Screencapture PowerPoint slides Camtasia Edit Camtasia Produce videos Quiz links Process ✔
Storyboard PowerPoint Audio Audacity Screencapture PowerPoint slides Camtasia Edit Camtasia Produce videos Quiz links Process ✔ ✔
Storyboard PowerPoint Audio Audacity Screencapture PowerPoint slides Camtasia Edit Camtasia Produce videos Quiz links Process ✔ ✔ ✔
Storyboard PowerPoint Audio Audacity Screencapture PowerPoint slides Camtasia Edit Camtasia Produce videos Quiz links Process ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Storyboard PowerPoint Audio Audacity Screencapture PowerPoint slides Camtasia Edit Camtasia Produce videos Quiz links Process ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
7 Questions Quizzes
5 Questions Db screenshots Quizzes
Please select the date and time of the library class session. Quizzes
Did you watch the tutorial on _____ before attending class? Quizzes
Evaluation 9 questions – 3 open-ended – Rate Content Aesthetics Confidence
Results 2 Workshops 1 curriculum-based class
Color Code Purple = correct answers Orange = incorrect answers
Pre-ClassPost-Class Correct Incorrect
Pre-ClassPost-Class Correct Incorrect
Watched Tutorial Did Not Watch Tutorial Correct Incorrect
Watched Tutorial Did Not Watch Tutorial Correct Incorrect
Time on quiz Boolean OperatorsControlled Terms Seconds
What do you think? What percentage of students do you think watched the tutorials and completed the quizzes?
What do you think? Do you think the percentage changes depending on if librarians or faculty instructors contacted students? How so?
Response Rates Librarians contacted students – 67 – 100 % completed tutorials & Pre-Class Quizzes Faculty Instructors contacted students – < 50%
Please rate your confidence in completing the following tasks, after watching the tutorial, but before coming to class.
Please rate your confidence in completing the following tasks, after attending class with a librarian.
How would you prefer to learn about basic concepts (like Boolean operators and controlled terms)?
I thought using the tutorial before class was helpful because it meant some of the lecture could be cut out and we could do some searches hands-on and have questions answered. Nice pairing. …I learned it in the tutorial, but firmed up the knowledge in class. This class was wonderful and very practical.
Final Thoughts Class Recruitment difficult Student participation varies
Final Thoughts IRB Constraints Time
Final Thoughts Post-class = Pre-class No Tutorials = Poor understanding Save class time and focus instruction – Students appreciated this!
Links Controlled Terms & Thesauri Tutorial: Boolean Operators Tutorial: Additional Info:
Images Used
Questions? Suggestions? Emily Mazure Virginia Commonwealth University
Approximately how many minutes did it take you to watch the tutorials and complete the quizzes before class? * Spring Workshops Only
Please rate the following:
Classes Spring 2010 – General Workshops on PubMed Highly publicized Food < 1 hour Fall 2010 – Curriculum-based Classes 3 total 1 – 2.5 hours – Targeted Workshop 1 hour
Which tutorial(s) did you watch? (select all that apply)