FAMOUS PEOPLE The turn of the century BY: Cash
BLACK COWBOYS Website- om/?page_id=99 om/?page_id=99 Book-Bill Pickett, rodeo ridin' cowboy illustrated by Brian Pin I choose this website because I thought it would give good info.
THE WRIGHT BROS Website-The Wright BrothersThe Wright Brothers Book- The Wright Brothers: How They Invented the Airplane I choose the Wright bros because I think it is cool they built an airplane
WILLIAM McKinley Website- ar.com/McKinley.htm ar.com/McKinley.htm
George Washington Carver Website - InventorInventor Book- The Story Of George Washington CarverThe Story Of George Washington Carver
ALEX GRAHAM BELL Website- g/wiki/Alexander_Gra ham_Bell g/wiki/Alexander_Gra ham_Bell Book- Alexander Graham Bell I think I might want to learn more about Alex Bell.
THOMAS EDISON Website-Thomas Website-Thomas Book- The Thomas Edison Book of Easy and Incredible Experiments: I think I want to learn more about Alex Bell
THEODORE ROOSEVELT Website-Theodore Website-Theodore Book-Love Letters Of Great Men