Orville and Wilbur The Wright Brothers By: Chris and Arun
Born:April 16, 1867 Born:April 16, 1867 August 19,1871 August 19,1871 Birthplace:Ohio Birthplace:Ohio Died May 30,1912 Died May 30,1912 January, January,
Pioneer in Aviation *Orville and Wilbur are pioneers because they worked to reach their goal of inventing the modern airplane.
Accomplishments *Orville and Wilbur were famous for inventing the first airplane.
Facts #1 They invented the first real airplane, called The Flyer 3.
Facts #2 The Wright brothers had a sister.
Facts #3Wilbur and Orville were the best friends.They loved building machines together and testing them in KittyHawk,North Carolina.
If I could meet this person, I would ask…. How high did you fly? How high did you fly?
IB-Learner Profile A word to describe the Wright Brothers is thinker because they thought of inventing a machine to fly. A word to describe the Wright Brothers is thinker because they thought of inventing a machine to fly.
How The Wright Brothers Changed the World The world would be a different place without the Wright Brothers because people wouldn’t be able to fly to different places. The world would be a different place without the Wright Brothers because people wouldn’t be able to fly to different places.