Opportunities to Integrate NCDs into Existing Systems Lessons Learned from the HIV-Experience Astrid Permin, Senior Technical Adviser, TAS
Learning from the HIV/AIDS experience Addressing NCDs is much more than providing the right treatment in the health facility! –Awareness raising globally and locally –More focus on Civil Society –HIV positive groups –Access to treatment and cheaper medicines –Strategic investment
Issues to consider How to provide affordable NCD interventions in a context where funds for health are limited? NCD is another new area - risk of developing new vertical programmes How can we work with prevention of NCDs Which types of health interventions can be included into essential health packages? How to work with affordable and equitable interventions for primary health care? Who is going to pay?
Danidas Support UN organisations (WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNAIDS) Global Funds: (GFATM, GAVI, IAVI) General Budget Support: Policy dialogue at national level (Governance, PRS etc) Sector Support: Policy dialogue with partners in the sector o Sector Budget Support, Basket funds etc. o Earmarked Support o Core funding o Projects o TA Civil Society support (core funding, project)
Other Danida support Research o Calls for research every year. Civil Society Humanitarian Aid o International NGOs (Red Cross, Dan Church Aid etc)
Levels of Engagement Global level: o Awareness raising: Conference on the emerging burden of Chronic Diseases, April 2011 o UN special session on Chronic Diseases in New York, September 2011 o Post MDG process – High Level meeting on health in Botswana in February 2013 Country level: o Support to incorporation of NCDs into health programmes
Points of entry for NCDs Political level o Awareness raising o Financing o Where to focus Policy dialogue o Prioritizing o Making funds available Technical issues o Prevention o Diet, exercise etc. o Health Markets o Primary care – Universal Access to Health Care o Essential drugs o Vaccines o Essential health packages o Secondary (tertiary) care – levels of hospital care
How to start Civil society o Health promotion o Awareness raising on risk factors o Patients groups o Patient rights Health system o How to finance, costing of services o Developing health education strategy o Deciding on levels of intervention (project, mainstreaming) Other important sectors o Education o Youth and sports o Gender etc.