HIV Testing Week: What does “good” look like? Jane Anderson Public Health England
HIV testing week : Why? ProfileSensitiseInformDiagnosePrevent 2HIV Testing week: what does good look like?
HIV testing week : Who? Consumers: “at risk” populations; the general population Commissioners and Funders: Local authority teams - public health / sexual health leads Clinical Commissioning Groups Healthcare professionals: Primary, secondary and tertiary clinical settings. HIV “expert” community Public health professionals 3HIV Testing week: what does good look like?
HIV testing week : How? Guidance National Guidance BHIVA/BASSHH/BIA NICE Reach and geography Areas of high HIV prevalence vs other areas Links to Europe. Global movement Influence and leverage Evaluation, Evidence and Evolution. 4HIV Testing week: what does good look like?
Some attributes of success Access Information Consistency Sustainability Integration 5HIV Testing week: what does good look like?