News Reporting
First Amendment Rights and News Reporting Essential Questions: Who publishes news? How and why is the news chosen? Who decides it is news? How? Does anyone control the news?
Discussion Who publishes news? (HINT: think about last class) Would who reports and who owns the reporting station affect the news?
Discussion continued…. How and why is the news chosen? If you send an to family members telling them about what you did last weekend, is that publishing information? if you put up a post on MySpace, Facebook or a Web site giving your opinion on a movie you saw last week, is that publishing information? FACT FACT: Any time anyone shares information with anyone else, he/she is publishing news because we all are publishers.
Congratulations…. You are a publisher! Do you know about the freedom of the press? This is 1 of 5 first amendment freedoms guaranteed to ALL Americans and everyone in this country What does “freedom of the press” mean?
Work in Pair – 16 min. to Completed 8 minutes until you switch roles with your partner!
Discussion & Sharing After your interview experience, what are some insights about news reporting do you have? What if we were not free to publish information?
Newsuem Five Freedoms Freedom of the Press and….. blog-proclaiming-the-five-freedoms.html blog-proclaiming-the-five-freedoms.html
5 Freedoms handouthandout
The Five Freedoms Religion Choose my own religion. Go to a church of my own choosing. Be free from paying taxes to support a church I don’t believe in.
The Five Freedoms Speech Share my ideas with others. Say what I believe about political issues. Criticize leaders or government policies.
The Five Freedoms Press Write letters to the editor. Work on my school newspaper or one day become a reporter. Start my own Web site, Facebook or MySpace page, or blog in which I share my opinion on issues in my school or community.
The Five Freedoms Assembly Gather with people who agree with me for demonstrations on public property. Attend community meetings. Join private clubs and other voluntary organizations (and they can choose to exclude certain members).
The Five Freedoms Petition Circulate a petition on an issue I care about. Sign a petition. Write letters to officials and government leaders.
You have to eliminate 1 freedom!!!! Place one of your 4 sticky notes on the freedom you would eliminate
Only 1 freedom is left! Do you agree that this right is the most important freedom? Why or why not? Would it still be a useful right? How would people exercise it? Would people exercising this right have to do anything differently if they didn’t have the other four?
Discussion If you only had freedom of ______, would the events/ achievements below have been/be possible? Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech on the National Mall Women gaining the right to vote An all-night prayer vigil in memory of a fallen soldier The creation of a Web site that details the sources of politicians’ campaign contributions
Bill of Rights Our Founding Fathers had debates over having a Bill of Rights How different might our country be today if we hadn’t made a list of rights to protect? Do they think we would still have those rights if they weren’t listed in the Constitution?
Sum it up… Are there any rights you think our Founding Fathers forgot to put in the Bill of Rights or the First Amendment? What would you add if you had been writing this document 200 years ago? Is there anything you would add today that they didn’t foresee?
Essential Question? Who publishes news?