1 New Teacher Training Tools by Tami Raaker How to Complete Your ROP Enrollment Scantron Be sure to use a #2 pencil
New Teacher Training Tools by Tami Raaker 2 #1 Name Required Legibly print your name using the format below. Fill in the corresponding bubbles below each letter. Last Name First Name Middle Initial Pereira, Susan G (optional)
New Teacher Training Tools by Tami Raaker 3 #2 Student ID SKIP THIS #3 Gender REQUIRED – SELECT ONE # 4 SS # VOLUNTARY #5 Ethnicity REQUIRED – SELECT ONE If you are of a mixed heritage, you should bubble in the one you most identify with. If your ethnicity is not listed, you should bubble in other and write your ethnicity on the line at the bottom.
New Teacher Training Tools by Tami Raaker 4 #6 Native Language REQUIRED – SELECT ONE #7 Birth Date REQUIRED Print in the day and year of birth Bubble in the month, day and year of birth # 8 Attainable Goal REQUIRED After completing this class, what goal listed do you wish to accomplish? Fill in only one bubble. #9 Other Status SKIP #10 Years of School SKIP #11 Highest Degree Earned SKIP
New Teacher Training Tools by Tami Raaker 5 #12 Enrolled in HS? REQUIRED Current Grade Level: Required Home High School: Required (See table below for high school codes) #13 Term SKIP #14 District SKIP # SKIP Will be pre-filled
New Teacher Training Tools by Tami Raaker 6 #23 Today’s Date REQUIRED 1. Bubble in the month, day and year 2. Fill in the corresponding bubbles #24-25 Office Use Only SKIP #Student Signature REQUIRED There is no corresponding number on the form for student signature; it is located to the right of #24. It is required that you sign your name here.
New Teacher Training Tools by Tami Raaker 7 #26 Mailing Address REQUIRED Print your address below using the format below. Fill in the appropriate bubbles below each letter #27 Zip Code REQUIRED Print and bubble in home zip code.
New Teacher Training Tools by Tami Raaker 8 #28 Income Only if applicable #29 Disability Only if applicable #30 Programs Only if applicable Find family size Bubble if household income is less than or equal to
New Teacher Training Tools by Tami Raaker 9 #31 Telephone number REQUIRED This can be home or cell #. Print and bubble in. #32-33 Parent Work # OPTIONAL Print in the day and year of birth Bubble in the month, day and year of birth # 34 Emergency Number REQUIRED Print and bubble your parent or guardian’s emergency contact number. Student Consent SKIP
YOU ARE ALMOST DONE! Before you hand in your Scantron to the “IN” box… 10 New Teacher Training Tools by Tami Raaker Used a No. 2 pencil only Filled ovals completely Erased any changes clearly Made no stray marks on this form Printed legibly Had no errors or omissions Please review one last time to be sure you: