Getting the Job Done – Panel Discussion Presented by: Kathie Westerfield, Associate Dean for Admissions and Records, Imperial Valley College Joe Cabrales, Dean of Student Services and Student Development, Crafton Hills College Sue Vaughn, Director of Enrollment Services, Bakersfield College
Bakersfield College Using Hershey Imaging Product for Several Years Incoming Transcripts Grade Change Cards Residency Signature Pages Course Grade and Attendance Records Updated Transcripts New Repeat forms
Imaged by Data Impact 117 large file boxes Used Hershey product to index into Hershey system Images accessible to counselors, financial aid staff, nursing admissions Expect to have CCCTran take the place of the OCRing process that we have been using
Bakersfield College Forms New Repeat Form Traditionally allowed only one repeat for unsatisfactory grades or one W grade Kept that policy for online registration after Title 5 changes Require petition for second repeat including Ws
Bakersfield College Request to Repeat a Course Beyond the Limit A student may petition to repeat a course for a second time if grades of D, F, NC, or NP have been received twice with the written permission of the Faculty Chair of the Academic Department. If this petition is approved by the Faculty Chair, it is to be returned to the Office of Admissions and Records by the student. The student will be cleared to register for the second repeat. The grade earned in the second repeat will replace the grade earned in the first repeat in the calculation of the student’s GPA. Name____________________________________________ ____________ LastFirstMiddle Student ID or SSN__________________________________ I hereby petition to enroll in ________________________________________ Course Name during the ________________ and to have the grade that I earn replace the semester/year grade of _________ that I received in the _________________________. GradeSemester/Year Student Signature_________________________________ Date_________ Faculty Chair Signature______________________________Date_________ A student may repeat a course for which a grade of D, F, NC, or NP was received. The original and both subsequent grades will remain part of the student’s Permanent Record. Bakersfield College can provide no assurance that the repeated courses will be treated in a like manner by other institutions. FOR ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS USE ONLY Approved for Student to Register Grade Replacement Approved and Posted to Academic Record DeniedReason__________________________________ Staff Signature___________________________________Date__________
New Graduation Petition Process Students run a What-If Degree Audit Students see a Counselor or Academic Advisor Counselor/Advisor notes any special situation Counseling sends application with Degree Audit to A&R Evaluators review package and notify any students who do not qualify
IVC – What We’re Not Doing Dropping for nonpayment (just implemented holds for fees owed). Imaging – system purchased 2 years ago. Will have implemented by October 1 st. Using Credentials Solutions, National Student Clearinghouse or any other service for enrollment and degree verifications, and transcript requests (lack of holds previously ). Relying on faculty input of grades online alone. They input, we review and roll each class into history. Allowing concurrently enrolled high school students to take PE. Keeping up with technology!
IVC – What’s In Progress Academic Standing Implementation. DegreeWorks – SunGard (Banner) product – a degree audit system. Imaging Argos – A report tool.
IVC – What We Are Doing! Repeats – counselors now make the decision! New form: Counselor Review and Recommendations Student completes petition, meets with counselor. If approved counselor completes form, has student sign, makes copy for Counseling and student, sends student to A & R with form. At front counter, A & R staff input repeat permit in Banner and instructs student to register online. Forms to me for review & adding to Excel spreadsheet.
IVC – STUDENT’S STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING From Counselor Review Form for Repeat Petition I understand if I take this course again it is the last time I will be able to take it at IVC no matter what grade I receive: A, B, C, P, D, F, NP, or W. By California law, the only possible exceptions are active duty military personnel receiving orders to depart for duty in another location, or a documented extenuating circumstance out of your control such as hospitalization or a death in the immediate family.
IVC – Another Thing We Did Reorganized: 4 staff were reclassified to become Admissions & Records Techs Previously: TitleFunction Range 2 Stnt Serv AsstsReceptionist/Switchboard10 1 SS Asst/MicrographicsDaytime Microfilmer Evening Receptionist/Phone11 1 Stnt Serv TechnicianAll records functions13 All were reclassified to range 14.
IVC Reorganization Page 2 Now: Each has an assigned portion of the alphabet (by students’ last name) & do the following for their portion: Residency Transcripts Enrollment & Degree Verifications Grade changes Conversion of Incompletes to grades Subpoenas Build academic history in Banner for courses completed prior to Fall 1980 Update & correct student records
IVC – Reorganization Page 3 Front Counter Rotation: Each Stnt. Serv. Tech is scheduled on the front counter each day. While there: Download CCCApply & correct errors in Banner form Process faculty drops Process final grade rosters Process late registration requests Answer switchboard for the College Receive & process student requests Assist students with online applications and registration
IVC – Reorganization Page 4 Advantages: While on the counter, each person is more careful about checking forms for missing information, disseminating accurate info, making life easier for all the Technicians. Instead of 1 person, we have 4 who know how to do all the functions. Job knowledge and satisfaction have increased accordingly. Someone can fill in readily during absences due to illness, vacation, or vacant position. Teamwork has improved. We may be able to begin keeping up with technology!