Building Sustainable Community-Linked Infrastructure to Enable Health Science Research (RC4) RFA OD-09-010 Pre-application workshop October 23, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Building Sustainable Community-Linked Infrastructure to Enable Health Science Research (RC4) RFA OD Pre-application workshop October 23, 2009

Overview Orientation and Introductions Orientation and Introductions The NIH The NIH Purpose Purpose Requirements Requirements Questions Questions

Background Origins Origins Opportunity Opportunity Development Development

Origins Why community research? Why research? Why now?

Opportunity Economic Crisis American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 NIH ARRA funding Chance to act on community health and research infrastructure

Development NIH leadership convened a trans- NIH working group Concept paper Invited HHS sister agencies Developed final RFA

The NIH 27 Institutes and Centers (IC’s) Mission: “science in pursuit of fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of that knowledge to extend healthy life and reduce the burdens of illness and disability ”

The Grants Process Preparation Submission Receipt Review Award

Request for Applications RFA Special pool of funds?Yes Special application deadlines?Yes How long active?Until deadline Special review panel?Yes Reissued?No

RC4 Mechanism To fund infrastructure, not research or service delivery To create jobs All funds awarded first year Three year funding period Not renewable

Timeline November 11, 2009 (Earliest date to submit application to Letters of Intent Receipt: November 12, 2009 Application Due : December 11, 2009 Peer Review: February/March 2010 Council Review: May 2010 Earliest Anticipated Start: July 2010 Expiration Date: December 12, 2009

NIH Staff   Program Staff   Scientific Review Staff   Grants Management Staff

Eligibility Academic Health Centers-Primary Applicant in partnership with Community Entity(ies)

Eligibility Notice: NOT-OD Clarification of Eligibility as Primary Applicant for the RFA-0D “ Only Academic Health Centers may serve as the primary applicant. Although multiple Principal Investigators are permitted, the primary award will go to a single Academic Health Center.”

Academic Health Center An accredited academic institution that regularly and widely engages in health research and where health research is part of that institution’s identity

Community may be defined “... geographically (e.g., a neighborhood or county), demographically (e.g., Native Americans), by health condition (e.g., mental health, wellness, primary care), or by a common interest (e.g., community coalitions, churches, local businesses).” (Part II, section I1-research objectives)

Community includes … “ neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces; public health departments, health care providers, and social service agencies; community coalitions; state, county, and local governments; business- community collaborations; campus- community partnerships; public-private partnerships; and other types of organizations and institutions that filter or translate research findings to the American public.” (part II, section III, 1A- eligibility)

Community Research Associate(s) Individual(s) who legitimately represent(s) the interests of the community partner and is accountable to the community.

Leadership Leadership team including CRA’s and PI’s at minimum demonstrating equity in sharing of resources and responsibility

Grants Administration The National Institute on Drug Abuse will initially be the administrative and fiduciary home Proposals later assigned to individual IC’s for administration and program management

Review Special Emphasis Panel (SEP) Convened and conducted by the NIH Center for Scientific Review (CSR)

Core Review Requirements Significance. Significance. Investigator(s). (and CRA’s) Investigator(s). (and CRA’s) Innovation. Innovation. Approach. Approach. Environment. Environment..

Points of Review   Scientific Peer Review   Program Priority Review   National Advisory Council Review

Requirements 1 AHC must demonstrates commitment to a long- term collaborative program with the community- clear plan for building or expanding the proposed infrastructure; Must describe each partner’s expertise and the potential mutual benefit of knowledge to be gained and actions taken; Partners must have been actively involved in the conceptualization, design, and implementation of the project and are prepared to convene immediately upon issuance of funding;

Requirements 2 Must have a shared work plan delineating roles and responsibilities. Must define the identity and role of the Community Research Associate(s) including evidence that the CRA (s) represent(s), engage(s), and effectively work(s) with the entities involved The collaborative project must be responsive to the needs of the target community, and empowers the target community to engage and utilize the findings of health science research in the pursuit of healthy lifestyles for its citizens

Requirements 3 Must describe the essential impact and transformative nature of the collaborative arrangement and resulting community- linked infrastructure. Must state how applicants envision using the collaborative infrastructure to enhance the design, execution, dissemination, implementation, and impact of research with a concrete example of possible future health science research facilitated by the new infrastructure.

Requirements 4 Must have a concrete plan for sustaining the collaborative infrastructure without NIH support beyond the life of the grant award Must show how the proposed collaborative builds upon existing infrastructures (including other HHS-funded networks and initiatives, if applicable) and the potential synergies to be gained

NIH also requests that grantees agree to participate in its own independent evaluation of the overall program being receptive to periodic requests for information.

Allowed, but please note that reviewers are not required to read them Appendices