1 MESH brief outline Extract, compare and combine meaning from multiple multimedia news sources Create advanced personalised multimedia summaries Syndicate summaries and content Provide end users with a “multimedia mesh” navigation system Knowledge-assisted multimodal analysis, reasoning and annotation Summarisation Personalisation Multimedia content adaptation Reasoning for syndication and access Enabling Technologies
2 Potential impact – Target groups A significant contribution to emerging multimedia content markets Facilitate the discovery and exploitation of multimedia content, with special focus in the area of News. The outcome will be applicable to many other domains
3 Foreseen dissemination activities Events in IST Event, November 2006, Helsinki IBC 2007, Amsterdam (September 2007) Internationale Funkausstellung IFA Berlin 2007 (September 2007) General dissemination objectives Open Days MESH web-site, incl. interactive demonstrations Workshops and conferences Information brochure and project flyer Synergies with education Clustering Partner-specific activities DW through the DW-Akademie, ARD network, EBU, IRT workshops, etc. DW & DIAS through their media channels Corporate dissemination channels of Telefónica & Motorola Technical & scientific publications by ITI, QMUL, UAM Market channels of ATC (incl. IPTC) & Noterik Education channels, incl. e.g. summer schools by UT, DFKI