Considering Global Population Growth and the Future of Earth by Janet Hall, OKAGE TC The More the Merrier?
Q. How many people are there in the world? A. about 6,900,000,000 as of October 2010, according to the U.S. Census Bureau
At this point, do the “How Big is a Billion” activity with your students. Show students a level teaspoon with uncooked rice grains. Ask: How many grains do you think are in here? There are about 200 grains.
Then show students a cup of uncooked rice grains. Ask: How many grains do you think are in here? There are about 9,600 grains.
Next, show students a gallon container. How many grains do you think would fit in here? (There are 16 cups in a gallon.) There are about 153,600 grains.
How many gallons would it take to equal 1 million grains of rice? It takes about 6 ½ gallons.
Ask: So if it takes 6 ½ gallons to make about 1 million grains of rice, how many gallons would it take to make 1 b illion grains of rice? About 6,500 gallons
So how many gallons of rice would it take to equal 7 billion? It would take about 45,500 gallons of grains of rice.
Most of the world’s population growth has happened in the past 200 years. Earth today has almost 7 billion people.
FREE on YouTube: "A Graphic Simulation of the History of Human Population"
Fun web site!
Political cartoons are always about opinion – the cartoonist’s opinion. To understand the opinion of the cartoonist, you must see the cartoonists use of images, labels, and captions.
Look for labels on people or things. Notice the images. people of different cultures a bag of groceries Read the caption.
What opinion is this cartoonist expressing? Images: people labels captions
Notice the images. Any labels? Any caption?
What is this cartoonist’s opinion? Whom is this cartoonist challenging?
And what is the opinion in this last one?
What issues need to be addressed in a world with a rapidly growing population?
Assignment: Create a poster, flyer, or brochure on needs of the world related to our rapidly growing population.