Let’s Eat! Meal and Event Planning
Before you do anything else - become familiar with the university policy concerning purchase of food items:
Verify that money is available in your budget.
Does it pass the test?
For on-campus dining, go to the Catering website:
Remember – we cannot approve our own meals!
Create a “Request for Meal Reimbursement” Form NOTE: Be sure to include: List of attendees AND Agenda or Flyer A – Z List
Forward the approved reimbursement form to Aramark FAX 2047
$200 Exception
A “Request for Meal Reimbursement” Form is also required for off campus meals.
Remember that charges incurred for meals during travel will be processed on a Travel Claim, not a Meal Reimbursement Form.
From Here to There Completing transfer vouchers
When is a Transfer Voucher used? When money needs to be transferred from one budget to another. Example: Parking permits Why is this not done with a Budget Revision? Who can initiate a transfer voucher?
Completing a Transfer Voucher: A-Z List
Remember: An approver can complete a transfer voucher, but it still must be approved by Sherry Crone Form must be approved by both departments Complete within 90 days
Request for Cash Reimbursement