Audience Research – Understanding and Targeting Audiences Kirsten Hecht, Lily Maynard, Ethan Noel WIS6525 Discussion 2
Values of interpretation for management Influence behavior Encourage support for resources and environment Disperse information Improve safety Buffalo warning flyer from Yellowstone National Park. Digital Image., 28 December Web. 9 September 2014.
Using theory to change attitudes and behaviors Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) Routes of persuasion for people to process information and reflect on past experiences/memories, to then evaluate messages and create attitudes Peripheral route: the influence of positive feelings, rather than conscious evaluation, to change people’s attitudes Examples: celebrities, pleasant experiences, perceived experts Leonardo DiCaprio at The Natural Resources Defense Council’s 20th Anniversary Celebration in Beverly Hills. Digital image. Lainey Gossip, 27 April Web. 9 September 2014.
Using theory to change attitudes and behaviors Theory of Reasoned Action Opportunities to change behavior through interpretation Components: Information develops beliefs -> attitudes Subjective norms Intention Behavior Theory of Reasoned Action. Digital image. Science, Communication, and Health. 1 April Web. 9 September
Using theory to change attitudes and behaviors Self-Perception Theory Behavior -> Attitudes (Opposite of TRA) As you participate in behavior, you develop an explanation/acceptance for behavior May require enforcement/rules to initiate adoption of behavior
Causing behavior change Encourage integration of the behavior and action Identify barriers to the performance of the behavior and action Implement interventions based on overcoming the barriers
Clients Setting up Define the audience Community analysis Study the audience Systematic observation Interviews/Questionnaires Target the audience Segmenting demand Specific groups Age: children, teenagers, young adults, older adults Gender Ethnic groups: Hispanic, African American, Foreign visitors Physically disabled