Reading & Writing Practice 3 by David Rasmussen
Read the question. What country is south of our state? Listen and write the answer that your teacher dictates. Mexico is south of California.
Read. When was Abraham Lincoln President? When was Abraham Lincoln President? Write. Lincoln was President during the Civil War.
Read. What do people call George Washington? Write. They call him the Father of Our Country. They call him the Father of Our Country.
Read. How many Senators are there for each state? Write. There are two for each state.
Read. Who are the Crow and the Blackfeet? Write. They are American Indians.
Read. Why are there fifty stars on the flag? Write. Because there are fifty states.
Read. When were Washington and Lincoln born? Write. Washington and Lincoln were born in February.
Read. Where is Alaska? Write. Alaska is northwest of Canada. Alaska is northwest of Canada.
Read. What was the first state to accept the Constitution? Write. Delaware was the first state.
Read. What is one right we all have? Write. Freedom of speech is a right for all people.
Read. Who was the first President to live in the White House? Write. Adams was the first to live in the White House. Adams was the first to live in the White House.
Read. What is Washington, D.C.? Write. Washington, D.C. is the capital of our country. Washington, D.C. is the capital of our country.
Read. When does America elect government leaders? When does America elect government leaders? Write. We elect Congress and a President in November. We elect Congress and a President in November.
Read. What people were here before Columbus? Write. The American Indians were here first.
Read. Why do we celebrate Independence Day? Write. We celebrate because we are free.
The End