America Tinkers with Foreign Policy Jefferson’s Problems Jefferson got out of office at the right time.


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Presentation transcript:

America Tinkers with Foreign Policy

Jefferson’s Problems Jefferson got out of office at the right time.

War between France and England causes many problems in the US.

American sailors were impressed Impressed = forced into military service

American trade to each nation was seized by the other (ex. French ships seize goods being sent to England).

America organizes an embargo embargo – government restrictions on shipping of goods to foreign nations. Used as a form of political pressure.

Madison is elected Madison has a lot of government experience.

Madison, James Madison “Father of the Constitution” Secretary of State #1 DAD

Personal Aspects From Virginia Republican (federalist) party America’s shortest president (5’4”)

Insert comment about awesome University

War of 1812 The War of 1812 is actually a combination of smaller conflicts.

America vs. Britain

America vs. Native Americans

War Hawks Government officials who favored war. Most were from Western States

War Hawk arguments Impressment is an insult to America British in Canada had been providing American Indians with weapons

Conflicts with American Indians American settlers spread into Old Northwest

Governor/General William Henry Harrison gets American Indian chiefs drunk and to agree to give away their land.

Tecumseh organizes effective resistance against the Americans but is eventually defeated.

Native Americans lose major battle at Tippecanoe Tecumseh later killed and organized resistance falls apart.

William Henry Harrison becomes a hero

Conflict with Britain

Pros and Cons Britain still has a well-trained and equipped army. Britain’s major focus is in Europe.

America is getting more organized and has decent leaders.

Battles British capture and burn Washington DC in 1814 Capitol and White House burned

Fort McHenry British try to capture Baltimore but are driven away.

Francis Scott Key writes “Star Spangled Banner”

O say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there; O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

New Orleans Andrew Jackson destroys a British army and gains hero status.

Battle took place several weeks after the peace agreement had been reached in Europe.

Treaty of Ghent (1814) Treaty actually accomplished very little other than ending the war.

No land changes hands The issue of impressment is not resolved

Future agreements (British-US) 1818, British and America agrees to set northern border of the US at the 49th parallel

Border of Maine altered Joint ownership of Oregon Territory

Spain-US (Adams-Onis Treaty ) Negotiated by John Quincy Adams

Spain gives up Florida (before Americans simply take it)

Border between Spanish Mexico and the US firmly set.

War is a draw, but America maintains their independence and shows their strength on the global stage.

James Monroe Good all-around president

Domestic affairs Era of Good Feelings

Outcome of the War of 1812 makes many Americans feel very good about being Americans. Feelings of Nationalism

Tariff Act of 1816 Taxes placed on foreign goods to stimulate American manufacturing. =

Internal Improvements Money spent on canals and turnpikes “turnpike” – a public road on which tolls are placed to raise money.

Court Cases John Marshall increased the power of the national government and the Supreme Court.

McCulloch vs. Maryland (1819) “The power to tax is the power to destroy”

Gibbons vs. Ogden (1824) Enforced the national government’s ability to regulate trade between states.

The Monroe Doctrine After years of war in Europe, many nations wanted to take back their colonies in the Americas.

Monroe feared European involvement in the Western Hemisphere and wanted to protect American businesses and trade.

The Monroe Doctrine said that Europe should not interfere in the Western Hemisphere, and if they did, America would consider it a threat.