CoRoT-BrazilPierre BARGE Exoplanet Working Groups CoRoT Brazil Workshop Natal 2004 : oct 29th – nov 2th.


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Presentation transcript:

CoRoT-BrazilPierre BARGE Exoplanet Working Groups CoRoT Brazil Workshop Natal 2004 : oct 29th – nov 2th

CoRoT-Brazil Summary on exoplanet discoveries Challenge on the terrestrial planets and the place of CoRoT Present organizing of the Exo WG

CoRoT-Brazil Exoplanet search main results (RV from 1995 to 2004) 7% of dwarf stars around Sun host giant planets (EGP) Stars with planets have spectral types from F to M Statistical studies become possible (  130 EGPs) EGP are preferentially found around metal-rich stars Orbital periods range from ~1.5 days to some years Large eccentricities are common ( 0 < e < 0.927) Planet masses range from 14M  to 10M Jup Mass distribution peaks toward small planets Density of the planets is determined in some cases 10 multi-planets discovered (some commensurabilities) Some planets are found in binary star systems

CoRoT-Brazil Mass/period segregations (After Udry et al. 2003) Min-mass/period  R: single dwarf stars (binaries and evolved * removed) ● heavy planets ( >2 ) ○ intermediate (0.75 > ; <2 ) ∆ light planets (< 0.75 ) Orbital period distribution -red: heavy -grey: light (<0.75)

CoRoT-Brazil Parent star metallicity (After Santos et al. 2003)  Signature of the core instability scenario ?  Result of engulfed migrating planets ?

CoRoT-Brazil Summary on Giant Planets –Commonly form around stars (single or binaries) –Have masses in a wide range (0.6 < m < 10 m Jup ) –Can be found in the inner part of the system –Can have orbits with very large eccentricities  Strong differences with our Solar System We still do not know how do they form ! Core instability in a layered nebula Gravitational instability in a gas nebula

CoRoT-Brazil About terrestrial planets – Well defined problem adressed in terms of kinetic equations and numerical simulation, both. –The standard formation scenario is accretion by planetesimal accumulation (Safronov 1969) Planetesimals  moon sized bodies (10 5 yrs) or bigger planetary embryos Good agreement and common consensus Final stage: Embryos  T. Planets Depends on the presence and location of G. planets !

CoRoT-Brazil Close-in terrestrials: a very “hot” question Planets with mass similar to that of Uranus were recently discovered by RV method (14 – 20 m  ) Are they Uranus like (migrated/evaporated) or big terrestrial ?  Their density (radius) is required CoRoT will permit: To answer the above question To discover other such planets To test a number of emerging models To start statistics of terrestrial planets …

CoRoT-Brazil Exoplanets: Two Working Groups E.W.G. (Exoplanet Working Group) Coordination of sci. activities Transit detection Stellar “noise” Works on specific topics (planetary formation, physics of Gas Giants, atmospheres and wind, magnetosphere, tidal effect, dynamical stability, planets in binaries, …) E.C.O.W.G. (Exo. Complementary Obs. WG) Coordination of obs. Effort Preparatory observations Follow-up Complementary observations … Scientific data base (Exodat) Cf. Magali’s talk

CoRoT-Brazil E.W.G. Objectives and Strategy Objectives –To optimize the impact of CoRoT data on exoplanetary science –To organize the scientific activity in various working teams –To make people work together –To stimulate exchanges between seismo and exo communities (stellar activity as a noise, metallicities and spectral types, ….) The difficulty lies in beginning to work with no data …! Strategy P  Brain storming during Planet workshops  Specific works decided during Exo sessions at CWs

CoRoT-Brazil The Planet Workshops PW1: “Planetary formation: toward a new scenario” (june ): PW2: “Planetary transit detection: stellar noise and false alarms” (dec ): PW3: “Close-in exoplanets: the star-planet connection” (may ): PW4: “Automatic Spectral Classification for large data sets” (reported) PW5: … to be defined at the next CoRoT Week in Granada

CoRoT-Brazil Some specific works Simulation of the stellar activity Two different approaches: –Rotational modulation by dark spots and active regions calibrated on Virgo-Soho data –Microvariability deduced from a spectral analysis of Sun variations Simulation of light-curves and transits Blind test of the detection algorithms using simulated light-curves

CoRoT-Brazil Points raised at PW2 on transit detection How to compare and merge the capabilities of the various methods ? How to build up again a detected transit ? (least square fitting, Bayesian,….) Estimate others false alarms possibilities How to face stellar noise ?  Appropriate filtering …..  Use of colors (CoRoT, Eddington? )

CoRoT-Brazil Main conclusions of PW2 Eclipsing binaries –probably one of the main sources of confusion –also good targets for planet search ! Radial velocity follow up –Not a method to remove false alarms –Can remove confusing situations –Adds important information (mass) Testing detection algos. would require working on the same light-curves and blindly  Proposal: Free exchanges of light-curves between the various teams

CoRoT-Brazil Detecting transit blindly (1st test – CW5) This test involved various teams in our groups (initiated during CW5): To produce simulated light-curves which account for: –Instrumental noises –Noises from the stellar variability –Planetary and stellar signals (possible ambiguities) –A sample of 1000 LCs were produced (secret: 1 person) To look for possible transits using different detection algorithms –Five different teams were involved (open to all CoIs) –To work on a common set of LCs for relevant comparisons

CoRoT-Brazil Conclusions of 1st blind test Very different detection methods tested False detections seem specific to the algo. used Stellar micro-variability is not the main limitations The method used to detrend the signal is almost as important as the detection algorithm itself In some cases detrending can produce artefacts Background eclipsing binaries are source of confusion Characterization of the transits requires other analysis of the signal CoRoT detectivity limitation: (1.1 R  3days) on M0 dwarf stars Results are to be published and LCs will be available on request

CoRoT-Brazil Conclusions of PW3 PW3 was devoted to the Close-in Exosolar planets and the relations they have with the host star. A lot of interesting points were addressed: –Existence of extremely hot giant planets (3 confirmed) –Evaporation rate of hot jupiter planets is strong –Origin of the overmetallicity of stars (primordial or not?) –How such planet form ? Migration ? –Relations with the host star (tidal effect, radiative and magnetic interactions) –Possible existence Hot Uranus, big rocky planets (primordial or evaporated remnants), big liquid planets, ….  Many questions CoRoT will help to solve soon !

CoRoT-Brazil Next work within EWG To detect transit blindly using 3-color lcs This test will involve the detection teams of EWG LCs will be simulated using the instrument-model (M.Auvergne) to account for realistic noises Transits and ambiguities will be included as in the first blind test This will be a good opportunity to test how color information can improve CoRoT detection capabilities