SEEFIRE The SEEFIRE project is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP6 IST contract no Fibre lease contracts (CESNET experience) Lada Altmannová CESNET Czech Republic
Sofia, July SEEFIRE workshop 2 Total length of inter-city dark fibres trend 1999 :232 km 2002 : km 2005 :4.200 km in total km in CESNET2 production network 350km of single fibre within CESNET2 700 km of fibre pair in CzechLight testbed
Sofia, July SEEFIRE workshop 3 Contracts for dark fibres 1999 : 1 provider oil transit company 2002 : 3 providers oil transit company power distribution company TV cable company
Sofia, July SEEFIRE workshop 4 Contracts for dark fibres cont : 5 providers : oil transit company power distribution company TV cable company telco operator railway company 1 provider is able to build DF first mile 2005 : 8 providers the same as telco operators
Sofia, July SEEFIRE workshop 5
Sofia, July SEEFIRE workshop 6 Recommendations for procurement process of DF Procure DF line including first miles to NREN PoP Request proposal of conditions for in-line equipment housing Request specifications of line parameters Most important points for decision: Monthly price DF length Optical parameters (attenuation, chromatic dispersion, PMD) Contracted period should depend on monthly price (if price is relatively high, prefer shorter period, before end of the period re-procure)
Sofia, July SEEFIRE workshop 7 Recommendations for the contract DF availability 99.7% monthly or better features of fibres should be according to relevant standards (geometrical, optical, mechanical) acceptance procedure with a protocol of measurement - provider covers the cost of measurement guaranteed free testing period for NREN if not observe the terms, a discount from monthly payment
Sofia, July SEEFIRE workshop 8 Recommendations of discounts If delay of line delivery is 7 days or more, then the discount is 0.5% from monthly payment per day If trouble removal time is longer than 12 hours then the discount is 0.15% from monthly payment per hour If monthly availability of line is e.g. 99.7% and the availability is lower then the discount can be up to 100% of monthly payment
Sofia, July SEEFIRE workshop 9 Prices of DF intercity leasing for CESNET 0.1 – 0.5 Euro/m/y – pair of fibres (fibre lengths from 30 km to 323 km) 0.3 Euro/m/y – one fibre (fibre lengths from 34 km to 126 km) Best prices are for DF between big cities for long distances
Sofia, July SEEFIRE workshop 10 Thank you for your attention