Exoplanet Transit Analysis Michael Mancinelli Astronomy 193 05.06.2015 2:00 PM.


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Presentation transcript:

Exoplanet Transit Analysis Michael Mancinelli Astronomy :00 PM

Problem  Undergraduate  Transit Confirmation  Kepler Light Curves  Confirm recorded transit and transit frequency with homemade python tools

Data  Exoplanet Archive run by Caltech and JPL  Over 4,600 Candidates with 1,831 confirmed planets  Data:

Analysis  Bias subtraction (model fitting and filtering)  Hypothesis Testing with single transit ( α =0.001)  Frequency Analysis for entire data set (3 σ & 5 σ )


Data Filtering

Hypothesis Tests (3 σ ) P-Value < – Type I Error: 0.13% – Type II Error: 38.20%

Lomb-Scargle Periodogram

Conclusion  Transit events are significant  Periodic transits are significant  There is an exoplanet