Alain Roy Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison I/O Access in Condor and Grid.


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Presentation transcript:

Alain Roy Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison I/O Access in Condor and Grid

2 What is Condor? › Condor is a batch job system › Goal: High throughput computing  Different than high-performance › Goal: High reliability › Goal: Support distributed ownership

3 High Throughput Computing › Worry about FLOPS/year, not FLOPS/second › Use all resources effectively  Dedicated clusters  Non-dedicated computers (desktop)

4 Effective resource use › Requires high reliability Computers come and go, your jobs shouldn’t.  Checkpointing  Be prepared for everything breaking › Requires distributed ownership › Requires distributed access  Must deal with lack of shared filesystem

5 Jobs in Condor › Standard Universe  Checkpointing & Migration  Remote I/O  Available to many (not all) jobs › Vanilla Universe  Any job you want  No checkpointing, No remote I/O › Other Universes MPI PVM Java

6 Machines in Condor › Distributed ownership  Your desktop can be in a Condor pool  You choose how it is used  You choose when it is used › Dedicated computers or non-dedicated

7 Notable Users › UW-Madison Condor pool  900+ CPUs, millions of CPU hours/year › INFN  150 CPUs? › Oracle  CPUs, worldwide › Hundreds of pools worldwide

8 Working with files in Condor › Today  Shared file systems  Transferring files  Remote I/O › Tomorrow  Pluggable File System  NeST  Stork

9 Review: Submitting a job › Write a submit file: Executable= dowork Input= Output= dowork.out Arguments= 1 alpha beta Universe= vanilla Log= dowork.log Queue › Give it to Condor: condor_submit › Watch it run: condor_q } Files: on shared fs

10 What happens when it runs? › Condor requires a shared filesystem for this job. Why?  You have a vanilla job  You did not tell it to transfer any files › Therefore, Condor adds a requirement:  (TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain) › What does this mean?

11 What happens when it runs? Matchmaker Job Submit computer Job Executable = … Input = … Req = (TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain) FileSystemDomain = “” …. Machine Name = “” Req = (TARGET.ImageSize < 1000) FileSystemDomain = “” …. Computer 1 Machine Name = “” Req = (TARGET.ImageSize < 1000) FileSystemDomain = “” …. Computer 2

12 No shared filesystem › Tell Condor to transfer files: Executable= “dowork” Input= Output= dowork.out Arguments= 1 alpha beta Universe= vanilla Log= dowork.log Transfer_Files= ONEXIT Transfer_Input_Files = dataset Queue › Job can run in Padova or Bologna  Files are always transferred } Automatically transferred

13 Shared Filesystem? › Even better: (Condor and later) … Input= Output= dowork.out Universe= vanilla Should_Transfer_files = IF_NEEDED Transfer_Input_Files = dataset Rank= (MY.FileSystemDomain == TARGET.FileSystemDomain) › Job can run in Padova or Bologna  Files are transferred, for Padova, not Bo  We prefer avoiding transfer

14 Standard Universe › Standard universe provides:  Checkpointing  Remote I/O › Requires re-link of your program  No recompilation › Doesn’t work for all programs  No threads  No dynamic libraries on Linux  Limited networking

15 Remote I/O › All system calls are redirected to submission computer  No files are transferred  It looks “just like home” › Job runs as “nobody” on remote computer › Files should be read or write only, not both

16 Is remote I/O efficient? › If you read a file only once, yes › If you read less than a whole file, yes › If you read a file many time, it may be less efficient › We find it is not a problem for most jobs

17 How do you use it? › Compile your program gcc –c somejob.c  somejob.o › Link your program: condor_compile gcc –o somejob somejob.o › Use the standard universe: Executable = somejob Universe = standard …

18 What happens when it runs? › Condor does not require a shared filesystem  You used the standard universe  Files will not be transferred › Condor does not modify the requirements

19 What happens when it runs? Submit Computer Execute Computer Job Remote I/O library Shadow Remote I/O handler Disk

20 Summary: Condor Today › Vanilla jobs works with:  Shared file system  Transferring files › Standard universe:  Remote I/O  Checkpointing

21 Pluggable File System (PFS) › Bypass: an interposition agent  Shared library squeezes into program  Intercepts calls to specific functions › PFS  Intercepts file access  Use FTP/GSI-FTP/HTTP/NeST › Like Condor remote I/O except:  No relinking  Usable outside of Condor

22 Bypass (Work by Doug Thain) › A tool for interposition agents › Uses dynamic library preload  setenv LD_PRELOAD /usr/lib/ › Just write replacement code: ssize_t read(int fd…) agent_action {{ //code to do something return read(…); // call real read }}

23 PFS (Doug Thain) › PFS uses Bypass: intercepts all file accesses › When you access a “URL”, it implements it.  /http/ › Just use pfsrun:  pfsrun vi /http/ › Warning: it mostly works

24 Live Demo › pfsrun vi /http/ › pfsrun tcsh –f › cd /anonftp/; › pwd › more R[Tab] › cd; › grep -i infom /http/

25 PFS Status › You can download it today  › It works well, but not all the time › Can give remote I/O in the vanilla universe › An alternative is being explored: ptrace

26 NeST › Network storage for the grid › A file server on steroids › A “work in progress” › Work by John Bent and Joseph Stanley

27 NeST as a file server › Any user, not just root—you do not need to be a system administrator › Multiple protocols: access however you like:  GridFTP, FTP, HTTP, NFS, and more

28 Lots › NeST supports storage allocations, or lots › You request “500MB for 10 hours” › You can rely on your storage being there  (Well, as much as you can rely on anything in a grid)

29 Nest as a Cache › Run one NeST as a “master”  Your home file server  Make it reliable: well-maintained machine, UPS… › Run other NeSTs as caches  Point to master NeST  Cache data locally  May be unreliable

30 Using a NeST cache › Use the NeST protocol to talk to the cache › If the cache disappears, you will talk to the master NeST › Is it inconvenient to use the NeST protocol?

31 PFS + NeST › PFS can speak to NeST › Your applications can speak to a NeST cache with no modification › You can work in a wide-area or grid environment with no modification › You get local data access for free  Recall question: is remote I/O a good idea?

32 Scenario 1 › Submit script as job. The script:  Runs NeST  Runs your job with PFS & file arguments pointing at NeST Submit MachineExecute Machine JobNeST Cache PFS NeST Master

33 Scenario 1 › When your job reads data, PFS redirects requests to NeST cache › If the data is not present it is requested from the NeST master › If the NeST cache fails, the NeST master is used

34 Scenario 2 › Submit one job that is the NeST cache › Submit many jobs that access this NeST cache Submit Machine NeST Master Execute Machine 1 NeST Cache Job PFS Job PFS Job PFS

35 Condor or a Grid? › These scenarios work in Condor & on a grid › Mostly useful across a wide-area, not a local Condor pool › Clever way to use it on a grid: Condor-G Glide-in

36 What is Condor-G? › Another Condor universe: the Globus universe › When you submit jobs, they are not run by Condor, but are given to Globus › Condor-G provides job persistence and reliability for Globus jobs

37 Condor-G Submit Machine Job Exec=… Args=… Universe = Globus … Globus Gatekeeper Cluster

38 Glide-in › Problem: You want the whole world to be your Condor pool › Solution: Create an overlay Condor pool  Run Condor daemons as a job on another pool  You have a larger Condor pool

39 Glide-in Globus Gatekeeper Remote Cluster Submit Machine Job Exec=condor Universe = Globus Local Cluster Job Exec = my job Universe = vanilla

40 Nest & Glide-in › Submit glide-in job that is Nest cache and Condor daemons › Your remote jobs access Nest cache › Your local jobs access Nest master › Everything looks like Condor › Good performance everywhere

41 NeST Status › In active development › You can download it today:  › Cache feature is experimental › Paper: Pipeline and Batch Sharing in Grid Workloads

42 Stork › Background: the job problem  Globus-job-run Unreliable: no persistent job queue No retries  Condor-G Reliable: persistent job queue Retry after failures Submit it and forget it!

43 Stork: the file problem › Background: the file transfer problem  Globus-url-copy (or wget, or…) Unreliable: no persistent queue No retries  Stork: Reliable: persistent queue of file transfers to be done Retries on failure

44 Why bother? › You could do Stork with Condor, but… › Stork understands file transfers  Local files  FTP  Nest › Stork understands space reservations › Stork recovers from failures › Just “submit & forget”  GSI-FTP  SRB  SRM

45 A Stork “job” [ dap_type = "transfer"; src_url = "srb://"; dest_url = "nest://"; ] › stork_submit: queue transfer › stork_status: show progress

46 One job isn’t enough › Reserve space › Transfer files › Run job › Release space › How do we combine these?

47 Condor DAGMan › DAG = Directed Acyclic Graph › A DAG is the data structure used by DAGMan to represent these dependencies. › Each job is a “node” in the DAG. › Each node can have any number of “parent” or “children” nodes – as long as there are no loops! Job A Job BJob C Job D

48 DAGMan + Stork › A DAG can combine Condor jobs with Stork jobs › Useful in a grid › Can be used with a NeST or without Reserve Transfer Run TransferRelease

49 Summary › Condor Today:  Files on shared filesystems  Transfer files  Remote I/O › Condor & grids tomorrow:  Pluggable file system  Nest  Stork  Some combination of the above