T.E.E.G.S Transportation, Emergency, and Environmental GIS Services Matt Smith Project Manager Lauren Bender GIS Analyst Amanda Magera GIS Analyst Aaron Gore GIS Analyst Rank-Ordering Proactive Tree Maintenance for Emergency Response Routing for the City of Austin Urban Forestry Program
Austin Parks and Recreation Department The City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department wishes to be proactive and not reactive in the identification and subsequent removal of potential tree hazards from the city of Austin’s roadways. The identification and removal of potential tree hazards will help optimize the cities tree removal services and clear potential hazards for emergency service vehicles.
Purpose Generate a comprehensive tree hazard inventory A ranking system will be used to highlight areas with the greatest threat potential in order to prioritize preventative tree maintenance T.E.E.G.S. will accomplish this by utilizing a GIS to analyze the existing tree shade index and identifying areas of high tree density which intersect or overlay with emergency service routes
Scope City of AustinCity Limits
Work Completed A. Tree Canopy B. Road Network C. Location of emergency service locations (hospitals, police, and fire stations) and schools A. Population density has been created based on 2010 census block data
Current Work A. Verifying accuracy of emergency service locations and schools B. Beta testing of methodology (proof of concept) C. Identification of population centers based on 2010 census block data D. Sample final deliverables map
Proof of Concept
Sample Map
Future Work A. Routing from emergency service locations to destination points B. Prioritize streets based on emergency service routes C. Creation of metadata D. Creation of final report and final maps E. Creation and publication of website
Problems Out-of-Date Data 2006 polygon file of roads was used in conjunction with a 2010 road network 2006 LIDAR data
Timeline Weeks 1-4 Weeks 4-5 Weeks 6-8 Weeks 9-11 Week February * March * April May * Data Collection Pre-Processing of Data Data Analysis Data Interpretation Important Dates: February 20 th : Presentation of Project Proposal to Client March 25 th : Progress Report and Presentation May 3 rd : Final Project Presentations
Expected Findings Deliverables Table containing Block Ranking for Tree Maintenance Map of top 100 most important blocks for Proactive Tree Maintenance Map of High to Low Priority areas for the City of Austin Map of streets more highly utilized by emergency services