Weekly Meeting 5 October 7 th, 2013
Get more info on PDR Contact Boon Edam Contact Profs. Soules or Looze Investigate bike hub generators Investigate hand crank generators Hourly Storage of caps October 7, 20132
Not required this semester per Prof Hollot Did not create a preliminary outline after we learned this Instead, focused efforts on Spec/Concept Summary October 7, 2013
Boon Edam: contacted using their website, no response yet ◦ asked about generator, caps, gear ratios Prof Soules: sent this weekend about supercaps/motors October 7, 2013
Found regulator schematics Constant rotation to charge batteries Some power lights Very low power captured 93 Years to pay for 1Hr/Day $300 - $400 Vague cross section images online October 7, 2013
Crank turns multi gear arrangement DC motor used Rectified, regulated for Li battery Powers LEDs October 7, 2013
W = (½) C V 2 80 joules maximum energy put into the bars Assuming 100% efficiency, 2.3V cap: ◦ 6800F needed per hour of 5W consumption 30x 100mW LEDS + 2W power meter = 5W October 7, 2013
Flywheel idea Fluxxlab Dynamo Door Power meter circuit should be added Getting a 100F cap and low forward voltage diodes this weekend ◦ Going to design a circuit soon to rectify, regulate, charge caps Motor ordered ◦ 5W, 550mA max, 5V at 1400 RPM ◦ Est. arrival date: 10/12-10/19 October 7, 2013