Français 11/14/13 Ouvrez vos livres á page 57. Faites #18. What is a bulldozer? Tomber – to fall. Je suis tombé. I fell. Goals – Review days of the week and other essentials. Learn Les Devoirs – List your classes and express an opinion about each. See page 61 for expressing opinions.
Français 11/15/13 Ecrivez vos emplois de temps avec l’heure officielle à la français. Why is a banana peel on the sidewalk like music? Ne … jamais. Never. Le travail n’est jamais fini! Work is never done! Goals – Reviewing Learn how to tell time. Saying what time you have classes. Les Devoirs – #5 à la page 68.
Français Ouvrez vos livres á page 57. Faites #24 Ecoute. What kind of ant is good at math? Doucement – quietly. S’il vous plaît, parlez doucement. Please speak quietly Goals – Practice with opinions play games? Les Devoirs – #27 Page 58.