Blood is the only fluid tissue The Blood
Made of formed elements 45% Mainly 3 RBC WBC Platelets The Blood
And a fluid called: Plasma 55% The Blood
Blood pH The Blood Volume in healthy males 5-6 liters approx. 6 quarts Acid or Alkaline? Alkaline
90% water and many dissolved substances like: Proteins are the most abundant solutes. Made by the liver. Albumin Antibodies Plasma Nutrients Salts (ions) Respiratory gases Hormones Proteins Waste products
Erythrocytes Red Blood Cells RBC Function Formed Elements - Erythrocytes Carry oxygen
Have no nucleus Biconcave disc shape Formed Elements - Erythrocytes
250 million HGB molecules on one RBC Formed Elements - Erythrocytes Hemoglobin – iron protein on the RBC that carries oxygen
Normal HGB count Male: Female: Erythrocytes
Normal RBC count million per cubic mm Male: Female: Erythrocytes
RBCs live for about days Old RBCs are broken down by the liver and the spleen Erythrocytes
Rate of RBC production is controlled by a hormone called erythropoietin Produced by the kidney Erythrocytes
in oxygen carrying capacity of the blood Caused by several reasons: Anemia
Hemorrhagic anemia Anemia in # of RBC. Caused by blood loss
Hemolytic Anemia Anemia in # of RBC. Caused by destruction of RBC. Infection Wrong blood type transfusion
Pernicious Anemia Anemia in # of RBC. Caused by lack of Vitamin B12 Lack of intrinsic factor in stomach needed to absorb B12
Aplastic Anemia Anemia in # of RBC. Caused by destruction of bone marrow Cancer Radiation Medication
Iron Deficiency Anemia Anemia amount of HGB. Caused by lack of iron in diet or from a slow bleed: menstrual period gastric ulcer
Sickle Cell Anemia Anemia Abnormal HGB. Genetic Sickle shape RBC occurs mainly in African Americans
Polycythemia Erythrocytes Excessive # of RBC Caused by: Bone marrow cancers High altitudes Blood is thicker Blood flow is sluggish
White Blood Cell WBC Leukocytes Function: Fight infection
Normal WBC count Leukocytes 4, ,000 per cubic mm Less than 1% of total blood volume
Leukocytosis Leukocytes More than 11,000/mm 3 Indicates bacterial or viral infection
Leukopenia Leukocytes WBC count. Usually caused by drugs
Leukemia Leukocytes “ White Blood ” Huge # of WBC Cannot do their job Cancer
2 major groups of Leukocytes Leukocytes Granulocytes Agranulocytes Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas
Contain granules Neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils Leukocytes Granulocytes
Neutrophils Phagocytes: Eat and destroy foreign material Most numerous Leukocytes Granulocytes
Eosinophils In response to allergies, parasites, worms Leukocytes Granulocytes
Basophils Release histamines and promote inflammatory response Leukocytes Granulocytes
No granules Lymphocytes Monocytes Leukocytes Agranulocytes
Lymphocytes In response to immune needs. Form antibodies Leukocytes Agranulocytes
Monocytes Largest in size Macrophages (large phagocyte) Used to fight chronic infections like TB Leukocytes Agranulocytes
Platelets Thrombocytes Normal count: 300,000 per cubic mm
Thrombocytes Actually not cell but rather cell fragments
Thrombocytes Helps blood to coagulate (clot)
Hematopoiesis Blood cell formation
Hematopoiesis Occurs in red bone marrow
Hematopoiesis All cells start out as a stem cell called a hemocytoblast.
Erythrocyte Red Blood Cell RBC
leukocyte White Blood Cell WBC
Thrombocyte Platelet
Hemostasis “ Blood standing still ” Stops bleeding Started by tear or interruption in the blood vessel lining
Hemostasis Occurs in 3 phases: Vascular spasm Platelet plug formation Blood clotting - coagulation
Hemostasis Coagulation 4 things happen at once
Coagulation 1. Platelets adhere to the damaged site and release serotin which causes vasoconstriction (blood vessel gets smaller) Vascular spasm occurs A chemical is released that attracts more platelets. Clotting occurs
Coagulation 2. Thromboplastin is released at the time of tissue injury Can only work if Calcium and prothrombin are present Thromboplastin and Prothrombin are both proteins produced by the liver AT THE SAME TIME
Coagulation 3. Prothrombin is converted to thrombin (occurs only if there is bleeding) Must have Vitamin K to be converted
Coagulation 4. Fibrinogen is converted to fibrin These threadlike structures layer themselves over the wound Thrombin and fibrin layer
Coagulation Blood normally coagulates (clots) in 3-6 minutes
Coagulation So …… you get a cut ….. Serotin produced Vaso constriction Thromboplastin released Prothrombin converted to thrombin Fibrinogen converted to fibrin Thrombin and fibrin layer
Thrombus Thrombocyte Disorders A clot in a blood vessel
embolus Thrombocyte Disorders Clot floating freely in the blood stream
thrombocytopenia Thrombocyte Disorders Insufficient # of platelets
petechiae Thrombocyte Disorders Small purple red blotches on the skin caused from bleeding
Protein marker found on RBC plasma membrane. It identifies the substance as belonging person Blood Groups Antigen Antibodies Defense against something foreign in the body
Blood Groups
A antigen B antibody Blood Groups Type A B AB O B antigen A antibody A & B antigen no A antibody, No B antibody no antigen A & B antibody
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A B AB O
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A41 B AB O
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A41 B12 AB O
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A41 B12 AB3 O
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A41 B12 AB3 O44
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A41A B12 AB3 O44
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A41A B12B AB3 O44
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A41A B12B AB3 O44
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A41A B12B AB3 O44none
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A41AB B12B AB3 O44none
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A41AB B12BA AB3 O44none
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A41AB B12BA AB3 None O44none
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A41AB B12BA AB3 None O44noneA & B
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A41ABA, O B12BA AB3 None O44noneA & B
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A41ABA, O B12BAB,O AB3 None O44noneA & B
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A41ABA, O B12BAB,O AB3 NoneA,B, AB,O O44noneA & B
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A41ABA, O B12BAB,O AB3 NoneA,B, AB,O O44noneA & BO
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A41ABA, OA, AB B12BAB,O AB3 NoneA,B, AB,O O44noneA & BO
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A41ABA, OA, AB B12BAB,OB, AB AB3 NoneA,B, AB,O O44noneA & BO
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A41ABA, OA, AB B12BAB,OB, AB AB3 NoneA,B, AB,O AB O44noneA & BO
Blood type % US Population Antigen on RBC Antibody in plasma Can receive Can Donate to A41ABA, OA, AB B12BAB,OB, AB AB3 NoneA,B, AB,O AB O44noneA & BOA, B, AB, O
T&C Blood Groups Type and cross match Identifies blood type and compares donor to recipient
Rh Blood Groups Most people are Rh positive. 85% 15% are Rh negative + -
Rh Blood Groups Pregnant females who are Rh – and carrying an Rh+ baby: 1 st baby - no problems
Rh Blood Groups Pregnant females who are Rh – and carrying an Rh+ baby: Each baby after: Mother has formed antibodies after 1 st birth of Rh + baby. Antibodies can cross placenta barrier and harm baby
Rh Blood Groups Why? When the placenta separates from the uterus there is bleeding. The placenta has two parts. One part is genetically part of the fetus one is genetically part of the mom.
Rh Blood Groups Why? When mom is exposed to the blood from the placenta, she develops antibodies against this “ foreign ” material. The antibodies are there when the next pregnancy occurs. They can cross the placenta barrier and harm the baby
Rh Blood Groups If baby is Rh-? No problem
Rh Blood Groups Treatment? Rhogam Must be treated to prevent mom from forming anti Rh antibodies
Developmental jaundice Developmental Yellow Immature liver cannot rid body of old RBCs fast enough. This causes a yellow tint to the skin and mucous membranes.
Developmental jaundice Developmental Generally resolves itself. Phototherapy or Sunlight helps
Erythrocyte? Red Blood Cell Review
Formed blood elements are suspended in a fluid called? plasma Review Blood volume of an average adult? 5-6 liters
Normal pH of blood? 7.35 – 7.45 Review A person with type A blood can receive what blood type(s)? A and O
What vitamin is important in blood coagulation? Vitamin K Review Normal hemoglobin ? 12 – 18 Male: Female:
What is fibrinogen converted to? fibrin Review What is the most common blood type? O
thrombocyte? platelet Review Protein marker on the RBC to identify ? antigen
A defense against foreign matter in the body? antibody Review Blood clot in a vessel? thrombus
Iron protein found on RBC? hemoglobin Review Cell which fights infection? WBC
Review ? plasma