به نام پروردگارِ کریمی که همواره دامنِ رحمتش برای همگان گسترده است و آنگاه که بندگانش در تاریکی جهل خود را فراموش می کنند یاوریش را به میدانِ جانشان هدیه می نماید تا با یاریش از جا برخیزند و تاریکیِ باورهای غلط را به روشناییِ درکی روشن درمان کنند.
In per microliter of blood:4000 to 10,000 leukocytes White blood cells originate from the primitive stem cells in the bone marrow.
a. Mainly functions to protect against disease. b. Works mainly outside the the blood stream c. Diapedesis - squeezing through blood vessels.
Leukocytosis :(WBC Leukocytosis :(WBC above 10,000/mm 3) Infection Leukopenia :( WBC acute appendicitis. Leukopenia :( WBC below 5,000/mm3. Flu AIDS, typhoid fever chicken pox.
Indicate the number of WBC in 1μlit blood volume and compare to normal state
1. Fresh blood 2. Anticoagulated blood EDTA Double Oxalate Citrate Heparin Etc.
Marcano: Acid asetic → lysis RBC Metilen blue → colouring WBC
Neubaure hemocytometer lam
W 1 mm Neuobare homocytometer lam
1 mm High 0.1 mm.
WBC Count Calculation N= (n 1 +n 2 +n 3 +n 4 )/4 × volume factor × dilusion factor volume factor = 10 dilution factor = 20
Hemoglobin: the iron-containing oxygen- transport metalloprotein in the red blood cells 100ml: 15gr Hb 1gr Hb: 1/34ml O2 100ml: 20 ml O2
Hemoglobin Concentration (Hb) Weight of hemoglobin per a unit volume of blood (gm / dL) Normal range: Male: 16±2 gr/dl Female:14±2 gr/dl Newborn: 18-20gr/dl
Methemoglobin : 1- In normal state: 1.5% 2- In cyanosis state: >10% 3-To cure cyanide poisoning.
Direct and Indirect Direct : Purify hemoglobin and weight (Not in use at present) Indirect : Determine the amount of Hb by its physical or chemical properties
**Hemoglobinometer set (540nm) 1-Spectrometric methods or Cyanomethemoglobin method. 2- Drapkin’s solution (PH:7-7.4)
Drapkin’s solution (potassium ferricyanide, potassium cyanide, potassium phosphate, D.W) Converts all forms of hemoglobin to cyanomethemoglobin (solution appears red) HbO2 (Fe 2 + ) + Fe 3 + (from ferricyanide) MetHb (Fe 3 + ) + O 2 + Fe 2 + MetHb + CN MetHbCN ( cyanomethemoglobin) Drapkin’s solution 5ml Drapkin’s solution + 20 µl blood