WEEK ONE/Day One jackie robinson the first African American major-league baseball player played his first game with the brooklyn dodgers in 1947.
J ackie R obinson, the first African American major-league baseball player, played his first game with the B rooklyn D odgers in 1947.
WEEK ONE/Day Two Until April Babe Ruth held the American record for home runs he held the record for bases on balls until April
Until April 8, 1974, Babe Ruth held the American record for home runs. H e held the record for bases on balls until April 26, 2001.
WEEK ONE/DAY THREE Would you believe that over 7000 years ago Ancient Egyptians liked to bowl on alleys alot like ours
Would you believe that over 7, 000 years ago a ncient Egyptians liked to bowl on alleys a lot like ours ?
WEEK ONE/DAY FOUR the Cleveland Indians are named after Louis Sockolexis whom was the first native american to play professional baseball.
T he Cleveland Indians are named after Louis Sockolexis, who was the first N ative A merican to play professional baseball.
WEEK ONE/DAY FIVE Golf ball’s used to be little feather pillows maid of leather.
Golf balls used to be little feather pillows made of leather.