S.O.A.R. Sharing Our Acceptance and Respect
Navigating the Playground
Expected Behaviors Sharing equipment and space Taking turns Following the rules Including everyone Freezing when the bell rings Putting balls into the ball cart Making positive and encouraging comments
Unexpected Behaviors Hurting others with body or words (includes bad language) Cheating or not following the rules Excluding others Playing near the restrooms Throwing things at other people Using equipment inappropriately Climbing up the slide Running on the blacktop Throwing sand or toys
Attention Everyone! Before speaking to your buddy make sure you have their attention. You could say: (Name), I am speaking to you. Show me your body and brain is in the group. Show me that you are thinking with your eyes.
K.I.S.S.S.S. Use the language of social thinking. Keep instructions simple. Keep directions specific. Keep sentences short.
Plan for Success! Pick up buddy at classroom on time Ask “What do you want to play today?” Ask “Who do you want to play with?” Create a Plan B Work out the details GO FOR IT!